Caves and local produce

radishpicking.jpgJune 9: It’s been a good week.  My work has been really hectic recently, but coming home in the evening to hang out with Bryan and Andrew is lovely.  Last weekend, we had plans to go camping, but they fell through due to rainy weather.  So instead we tried to go hiking out at Blue Mounds on Sunday.  As we arrived, the skies opened up with rain, so we had a change of plans and decided to head underground.  The Cave of the Mounds was a fun outing.  Andrew did really well in the cave.  In the last week, we’ve also gone biking around Lake Monona with Andrew a couple times.  Pictures of our caving experience, of Andrew picking radishes from our garden, and of us biking are in the gallery.  Our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) share also started this week.  We’re so excited to get produce straight from a local farm every-other week for the summer.  For more information on our great CSA, see the Vermont Valley Community Farm’s website.