Budding imagination

April 22: Andrew’s ability to put words together is growing dramatically, and he’s really starting to amaze us with his ability to recall things that we did and to tell us about how he feels and what he thinks.  He is also doing just adorable make-believe games with his toys.  His favorite is to put his toys in a pile and put them to “seep” with “bankies” and sometimes his “pacie.”  He has his animals eat and drink and sleep, climb mountains (a big person) and the other day, they were dancing.

When we play outside, he likes to go to the side fence, look into the neighbor’s yard, and tell us about all the animals he sees.  The pandas may be sleeping (shhhh), the tiger is hiding, the monkeys are eating, oh, and Bruno the dog is there too. When we were walking in the arb last week, Andrew suddenly stopped and very slowly turned to me to tell me that there were rhinos.  They were sleeping, so we tiptoed by.  I am continually stunned at the way he can suddenly share all this wonder with us.  I find myself thinking, “Where does he come up with all this!”