April 22: It seems hard to believe that my last post was ten days ago. I was working really hard on a grant application for work from the moment we returned from Wichita until last weekend. Then I’ve spent the last seven days riding the crest of new spring activity. I’m finishing up a four day weekend. Today was an amazingly beautiful Earth Day, and we spent nearly all of the last three days outdoors. Andrew’s not so into napping these past days, but other than that, out time together has been great fun.
I took off Thursday and in a fit of self-possession, I sent Andrew to daycare and spent the day doing my own thing. I cleaned and gardened and went to the library, and ate ice cream outdoors in the sunshine while reading a book. It was delightful. We dug up a flower bed in front of our house, and I supplemented the soil. Pictures of the new garden are in the gallery. On Saturday, we went to Madison’s first farmer’s market of the season, and we got cheese curds, tomato plants, and several perennials for our garden. This afternoon, I planted peas and radish and two tomato plants. Andrew helped drop the peas into the soil. However, after we covered them, he really wanted to “dig, dig!” them up again:)
Today we went to the zoo, and the little guy did not want to walk. Silly boy. So we ended up carrying him all around the zoo. It was packed with people and kids getting outdoors to enjoy this amazing weather.
We saw our neighborhood owl a couple times this past weekend. There’s speculation about which tree holds its nest and whether there are chicks.
Loads of pictures are in the gallery!