Andrew’s friends

claraandandrew.jpgFeb. 26: Andrew got to see many of his friends this past weekend, and it was such fun to watch him interact with other kids his age. Pictures of the kids are in the gallery.
On Friday morning, Eli and Jessica came over for a little visit.  Andrew looks at this picture and says, “Tickle!” Andrew and Eli had fun knocking Andrew’s piggy bank off the coffee table and laughing when it CRASHED on the floor.  When they left, Andrew said, “I E I. Piggy.”
Later that day Clara (my co-worker Pam’s daughter) came over for the evening.  Clara is younger than Andrew (he is 20 months and she is 14 months), and it was quite bemusing to watch him showing off for her.  “Look at how wild and crazy I can be!” he seemed to be saying.  Clara is so petite; it was startling to see my baby look like such a large kid next to her!
On Sunday we hosted a little Academy Award watching party.  All weekend Andrew would find phone-shaped objects, pick them up, and say, “Ello? Par-tee!  Ello?”  Mike and Molly came with their daughter, 19-month-old Evelyn.  Andrew and Evie had great fun racing around the house and staying up past their bedtimes.  Parties are GREAT!