Neighborhood shovel-out

aliviaandandrew.jpgFeb. 26: About 15 inches of snow fell in Madison over the weekend.  When we woke up on Sunday morning, we discovered a world full of very wet, very deep snow.  In shoveling ourselves out, though, I was reminded how much I love our neighbors, and how fun it can be to do hard work when you have friends to help along the way.  The prospect of removing the snow from our driveway was quite daunting. Plus the snowplow had created a mountain about four feet high at the end of each driveway.  In barn-raising fashion, though, our neighbors came over and without a word began to use their snow blower to clean up our driveway.  Those of us without snow blowers worked on the end-of-driveway mountains.  It’s been months since I have seen much of my neighbors, but on Sunday we spent several hours talking and shoveling and helping each other dig out.  I have been feeling happy ever since.  Photos of the kids playing on the snow mountain at the end of the street and of Andrew and Alivia are in the gallery.  Happy winter!