Andrew turned one today!

hesone.jpgJune 22: I can’t believe that my little guy is one year old!  I shake my head in wonder that he’s grown so much from the little baby who came into our lives 12 months ago.  I’ve had fun the last week or so pulling together pictures of Andrew’s first year into a photo album.  What a journey it has been! Fun photos of Andrew’s first days on Earth are in our gallery back in the summer 2005 album.
We had a fun day together today.  I took off work, and we played all day.  New Andrewisms:

  • He’s playing peekaboo by putting a blanket over his head.  In the past, he’s pulled a blanket off when I put it on him, but now he’s doing it himself.
  • He climbed up our porch stairs today for the first time.  Didn’t even give it much thought.  Just up, up, up!
  • He’s been mimicking the work “yellow.”  I don’t think he knows what it means, but when we say yellow, he repeats it recognizably.
  • This boy loves cake!  But then again, I’m not surprised.

Bryan and I biked down the street with Andrew tonight and got some gelato to celebrate his birthday.  He’s a big fan of ice cream already:)  Granny Lu, Grandad, Melanie, and Ben come to town tomorrow afternoon, and we’re all so excited to see them.  The party will continue!
Photos of the last couple weeks including some great shots of Andrew enjoying cake are in the gallery.