Update on Andrew at 11 months

joegraduate.jpgJune 9: Little Andrew sure has grown some curly hair!
Thought I’d give an update on what our little guy is up to this week.

  • While he still prefers the military crawl as his form of transportation, he’s getting his knees under himself a lot more and using them (when he’s on carpeting) to crawl
  • We believe that Andrew just added the word “cat” into his vocabulary.  It sounds kind of like the sound he makes for “duck,” but starting with a hard “ck” sound.  Like “CKack.” Brilliant.
  • We just felt tooth number six this morning.  Bottom right.  Now he has two on the top, four on the bottom.
  • Andrew has learned how to stick out his tongue on command. When I ask where his tongue is, he sticks it out and smiles.
  • Last weekend, we went to the farmer’s market, and he got to see some real-live cows.  I hope to take him to the zoo soon.  I think he’ll be much more impressed than he was last year.

Photos are in the gallery of us hanging out over the last couple weeks.  Special events included Uncle Joe’s high school graduation and Heather and Michael’s baby shower.
Pictures from the last week are in the gallery.