Happy Halloween!

Karen_and_kids_horiz.jpgOct. 31:  We’ve had a busy couple of weeks!  Bryan, Andrew, and I took a great trip out to Washington DC the weekend of Oct. 21.  Grace and Tim’s baby John was baptized, and I get to be his godmother.  Photos of the weekend are in the gallery.  Then on October 27, Joey, Andrew, and I went out to Maine to look at colleges.  Again, Andrew was a wonderful traveler, and Joe and I had a lot of fun together.  Lots of photos of Bowdoin, Bates, and Colby are in the gallery.

Today, we had a full day.  This morning, we visited Karen’s house and got a nice photo of the whole daycare gang.  Then at noon, Andrew had his four-month checkup.  He weighed in at 14 lbs, 2 oz and measured 25.5 inches long.  He’s good and healthy, but the vaccinations he had made him pretty unhappy this evening.  We made a quick stop at a friend’s Halloween party.  Photos of lots of babies in costume are in the gallery.

Bryan’s parents come up for a visit next weekend.  Our maple tree is in its full color, so we’ll hope for nice weather for them.  Happy Halloween!