October activities

pumpkinhead.jpgOctober 18: 
Our sweet little guy is getting so big!  He’s probably about 15 lbs now…still coming in at about 24 inches long.  We’ve had a fun-filled month so far, and we’ve got lots more activities in the future.  We had a terrific visit with Granny Lu, Granddad, and Aunt Melanie a couple weeks ago (see pics in the gallery).  Then this past weekend, Gathering Waters had our big awards celebration followed by the national land trust conference here in Madison.  On Friday, we head to Washington D.C. for John Patrick’s baptism.  I’m so excited to be his godmother.  Then the last weekend in October, Joey, Andrew and I are going to head to Maine so he can visit Bowdoin College.  I’ve just uploaded some pictures from the last few weeks including some really cute ones of Andrew in his pumpkin hat.  Happy fall!