Andrew’s five week update

P7270043.JPGJuly 27: Andrew is five weeks old today.  For him, there are milestones every week!  We went shopping last weekend with Maretta, and after screaming until I found a dressing room in which to change and nurse him, he slept all afternoon in his sling while we wandered the mall.  We went to our parents group again on Tuesday at Happy Bambino, and I had a wonderful time meeting and getting to know other moms with little babies.  Andrew is the youngest again:)
He got to meet his Great Uncle Kirk who was up for a visit from Texas.
We’re keeping busy and are out running around most every day.  The heat finally broke (it was nearly 100 on Sunday!), and today we enjoyed a long walk around the neighborhood.  Andrew held on to the edge of his sling and stayed awake the whole time.  April had fun too.
That’s our news for now!  Here’s a link to this week’s photos. update

How your baby’s growing: That smile lighting up your baby’s face — and your own — may be the real thing. You can tell it’s a social smile (as opposed to gas) if he uses his entire face to tell you he’s pleased. Though babies will smile only when they’re ready, you can get yours there faster by cuddling, tickling, and playing with him. [NO SMILES FROM LITTLE ANDREW YET, BUT I’LL BE SURE TO UPDATE WHEN THEY START APPEARING!]

By this time your baby can focus both eyes on an object and has begun to prefer more complex designs, colors, and shapes. He can track movement, which means that a simple rattle passed in front of his face can transfix him. Or you can play eyes-to-eyes — move very close to his face and slowly nod your head from side to side. He’ll follow you raptly, and you may even get another smile, or chuckle, out of him. [HE’S REALLY GETTING GOOD AT LOOKING AT THINGS.  HE LOVES LOOKING AT TREES OUT THE WINDOW OR AT PHOTOS ON THE WALL.  NOT SURE IF HE LIKES THE CONTRAST OF THE FRAME AGAINST THE WALL OR THE PICTURES THEMSELVES.  HE IS ALSO STARTING TO BE ABLE TO SWITCH HIS FOCUS FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER…BUT IT TAKES A LOT OF CONCENTRATION!]