Andrew is one month old!

July 22:  As hard as it for me to believe, Andrew is one month old today.  On Tuesday, I went to a great parents group and met a bunch of really nice other moms.  I weighed Andrew and was shocked to find out that he now weighs 10 lbs!  I was so surprised that I took off all his clothes and re-weighed him.  Still 10 lbs 0 oz.  He’s also 21.5 inches long.  That’s up from 7 lbs 3 oz and 19 inches at birth.  This little guy is growing fast!
Newest photos are up in the gallery Week 4 Update

Head’s up!

Your baby’s neck muscles are getting stronger, which allows him to hold up his head for short periods. He can hold it up for a few moments while lying on his stomach, for example, and he may even be able to turn it from side to side. He may be able to hold it up when he’s in a car seat or front carrier, especially if he has lots of support and you use special baby headrests designed to help him in those situations.