Favorite tunes

Jan. 22: Before Christmas, I thought it would be fun to write up a list of my favorite music  to share as gift ideas.  Well, I’m a couple months late, but better late than never!  Since I got my iPod last fall, I have gone completely crazy about kids music.  I’ve been sampling a wide variety, and I have some favorites to share:

Althea’s Favorite Kids Music (I really enjoy listening to all these)

Renee & Jeremy It’s a big world
I love this one!  It makes me cry…I listened to it constantly for about four months after Sylvia was born.  A friend’s baby was born to this CD.  I’d describe it as lullabies in magical harmonies.  My favorite songs are “Night Mantra” and “Welcome to This World.”

The Nields All Together Singing in the Kitchen

Folksy songs with a lot of spirit.  Great lyrics.  Wonderful voices.  I love listening to this one.  This is a nice CD to play in the morning to get us all in good spirits.

Justin Roberts Meltdown

The sound here is more of a traditional “kids” CD.  They lyrics are hilarious.  I love singing them.  This is our go-to CD for our crazy-dance-around-the-livingroom-for-a-half-hour time.  My favorite tracks are “My brother did it” and “Our imaginary rhino”

Elizabeth Mitchell

Be still my heart.  I simply love Elizabeth Mitchell’s music.  We’ve had several of her CDs, and I love them all.  I could put them on and let them play all day long.  I think my favorite CD is You Are My Sunshine, but it could be You Are My Little Bird.   She’s described as acustic folk.

Frances England Family Tree

She reminds me of Elizabeth Mitchell.  Her song “Family Tree” is about adding a new child to the family – a new branch to the family tree.  There’s something very authentic about this music.  I love it.

Dan Zanes Family Dance

Dan Zanes is another regular choice for our crazy-dance-time.  He has at least seven out, and I’ve only checked out a couple of them.  “Jump Up” and “All Around the Kitchen” are probably my favorite tracks.  Fun stuff!

Peter, Paul, and Mary Peter, Paul, and Mommy

I grew up listening to this one.  It’s probably Andrew’s favorite CD.  He loves singing “Puff the Magic Dragon” and “The Marvelous Toy” and “It’s Raining.”  I sometimes listen to it when I’m alone in the car too.

I hope this introduces you to some new artists!  And now my question for you…what are/were your favorite songs to play with your kids?  I’d love to hear about to more new music!