Spooky health update – no definite diagnosis

spookyandandrew.JPGJan. 20: I just got good-ish news from Spooky’s vet.  Last week, after doing an ultrasound that showed a mass in his bladder, his vet sent a urine sample to a pathologist to look for cancer cells.  I just got the following email:

“Well, the result was non-diagnostic.  The pathologist did not see neoplastic cells but could not rule it out.”

They recommended sedating Spook to use a catheter to get another sample so they could re-test.

I’ve got to think about it.  So far he has no symptoms other than some weight loss.  But there’s that pesky mass that the vet saw on the ultrasound.  We’ve already spent close to $400 on diagnostic tests so far. And if he does have cancer, there’s really almost nothing more to do.  If he starts to experience pain, or if he has trouble with the litter box, we’d probably put him down.  But if it’s not cancer…it would be nice to know…

I’ve been giving him extra treats and more doses of love, and I’m trying hard not to think things like, “Gooood, sweet, [doomed] kitty.”  “I love you, you cuddly [doomed] cat.”  “I’m going to take a few photos of you, you pretty [doomed] Spooky-cat.”

But hey, maybe he’s not doomed.  I sure would like to have both of my sweet cats when they are 18 years old.  They’re only eight right now.  I’ve started to get more used to the idea of him being sick, but maybe…maybe…he’s not sick?!

So now I decide if it’s worth another $230 to try again for a diagnosis…