Snowy naptime thoughts

Jan. 9: The snow is coming down fast and thick this morning.  Already, I’m sure it has filled in the tracks that Andrew and I made while we walked to school.  Sylvia has a few minutes left of napping, and I’m enjoying the quiet.  Because when both the kids are active, it is SO not quiet.  Sylvia is screeching all the time.  Andrew asks, "why" about almost anything.  He also likes to sing songs and seems to live with one foot in his narrated imaginary world where we are all active animals of some sort. 
He went back to preschool yesterday morning, and he was so happy to return.  I was so happy to have him return!  Eli spent the afternoon at our house, and those boys snuggled and played games and in general were two peas in a pod.  Andrew was so worn out from the activity, though, that he fell asleep at 6:30!
I spent my Andrew-at-preschool, Sylvia-napping free time yesterday by making a three page to-do list. It was a big brain dump, and it felt so good to free it all from my mind.  Then I spent all evening whittling away at some of the smaller projects.  I love getting things done.  I don’t think I can overstate that.  It’s like gold stars and bells ringing when I get to check off an item on my list.  I am, indeed, a complete geek.

In about a half hour, I’m taking Spooky to the vet.  He hasn’t been out of the house in six years, so it’s going to be a big event for him.  Spook has been losing weight for the last six months or so.  Bowser (his brother) still weighs in at a hefty 14 lbs, but Spook has dropped to 10 or 11 lbs.  So, with some trepidation in my heart, I’m taking him in to get checked out.

Wish us luck!