Happy New Year!

Jan. 5: Today feels like the first day of life-returning-to-normal now that the holidays are done.  Sylvia is napping. Her naps have been going much better (usually).  She’s been sleeping for an hour and 15 minutes two times a day.  Andrew is watching Life in Cold Blood – a David Attenborough documentary series on reptiles.  He just curled up next to me sighing, "Cameleons.  I like everything about cameleons."

I got the tree taken down, all the holiday decor put away, and all the winter/snowman/polar bear items up.  I’m sad to see our tree go.  It made a wonderful addition to our living room.  I also felt sad to take down the outdoor Christmas lights, so I got some white "January" lights to put up in their place.  Stay tuned, neighbors, for pink and white lights in February:)  In order to combat winter’s dark dark darkness, I think some extra lights and lots of candles help.

<Aside: do you know that a cameleon gives birth to live young in the trees?  They’re covered in a very sticky membrane so they stick to twigs until they uncurl and can grab on to a branch.  So amazing!>
Sylvia started regularly screeching again.  It’s kind of intense.  On Friday, I spent the whole day trying to show her how unacceptable I felt like it is to utter her ear-piercing, mind-numbing screech.  She’s a determined girl.  I think she won.  In general, she’s been in a better mood in general because of her improved napping schedule. 

Andrew is now fighting me over the computer.