Snowy, feverish morning

snowystreet.JPGNov. 24: We woke up to a beautifully snowy neighborhood.  Each twig on each branch of each tree is etched in snow.  It’s beautiful.
It was nice to wake up to a beautiful sight, because last night was not a good one.  Sylvia spiked a fever last night after she went to bed, and she was up (I think) every 45 minutes or so all night long.  Bryan did some long stretches with her, we brought her into bed with us, and in general, we tried to do everything we could to ease her pain.  Poor girl.  I think this may be teething related, but we’ll see.  If she recovers by the end of the day, we’ll chock it up to one of the two teeth that are coming through.  Otherwise, we may have a sicky girl on our hands.  Andrew was blowing his nose this morning too…

Also, Andrew has something he wanted to add:
“Daddy, it snowed.  Daddy, are you thinking that you see snow at your work?  Yes.  I do.  Daddy, I like you.  Daddy, Andrew, Mommy.”