Amazing October morning

color.JPGOct. 9: October is undoubtedly my favorite month.  Unless you were to ask me in May.  Or maybe June.  September is good too.  But October.  I think it’s #1.  This morning is sunny and with a brilliantly blue sky.  The maples are all just starting to turn, so there’s lots of green with bright splashes of scarlet and fiery orange and that amazing yellow.  Yellow locus tree leaves against the blue, blue sky.  Nothing like it!
In case you were wondering, this is a post about my abiding love for autumnal beauty.  It is not a post about how Sylvia is not napping this morning.  [I had to stop for a moment there.  Sylvia just discovered the cat’s food for the first time.  Fishing cat food kibble out of her mouth…]  She almost fell asleep while we walked Andrew to preschool.  But then she cried for a half hour in her crib before I decided a nap was right out for a while.
By the way, on the walk to preschool, Andrew said a couple delightful things.
“Hip hip hooray!  It’s preschool today!”
“You’re the best mommy.  Even better than I’m an Andrew.”
Have a good morning!