iPod maddness

Oct. 8: I’ve ripped 1,000 songs in the last couple days.  It’s been an all-day affair.  Tom got an iPhone a while back, and since iPhones are also iPods, he offered me his iPod.  This is new territory for me.  I’ve never had an mp3 listening device.  But now with this new gadget, I’m excited to re-vamp my music-listening habits.  We’ve got loads of CDs, most of which we haven’t listened to in years.  My plan is to rip all our CD to the computer.  I’ll hook up the iPod to our stereo.  It’ll hold all our music.  I’ll keep the CDs that we like and actively use, and I think the rest we’ll find new homes for.
It takes 10 minutes or so to rip a CD.  Andrew’s been very engaged in watching and counting as each track is checked off.  Then he gets to put the new CD in the computer.  He’s have a great time.  We’re both somewhat obsessive personalities:)
I’m about a quarter of the way through my CD collection.  I’m excited to use the playlists and other nifty features to shake-up my music-listening habits.  I often listen to the same 5 CDs for months…even years at a time.  Hey, when I find something I like, I don’t seem to mind listening to it over, and over, and over and over.  Should be fun to re-explore some of my old music and maybe try out some new tunes too.  I found that nearly all our CDs are from the 1990s.  Except for the recent influx of children’s music!  If you have favorite artists or albums, let me know!  I’m game to explore.