What a lovely time we had in Texas

soothing.JPGAugust 1: We’re off to Jack’s house today, but before we go, I really need to do at least a quick post to say what a great visit we had to Texas.  Andrew’s solo time went super-smoothly, and when we flew in, he didn’t even want to come to the airport…he was busy washing the car with Grandad.  So I think he’s ready to do trips to Texas whenever we can make it work.  It was such a great vacation for me…I’d love to send him down there monthly if it weren’t for the airfare issue!
Ben and Melanie drove down to College Station for the weekend, and we all just had a splendid time together.  I think we would have happily stayed for another week or so.  We went to a local pool one day, and Andrew had a lot of fun hanging on to a “noodle” and kicking.  It was one of his first times where he was really kicking and controlling himself in the water.  I could do that every day!  OK, Sylvie has had it with me not holding her.  Photos from our vacation are in the gallery!