Searching for my marbles amidst the dust bunnies

tooloud.JPGAugust 1: Were Sylvia not at this moment waking from her nap, I would write a post about how nuts my kids are making me this morning.  More on that another time.

OK, I’m back.  I love my children.  I really, really do.  And I feel so lucky to be their mama.  But there are moments when I find myself plotting out an escape route.  Like I was seriously thinking of hiding from them in the back yard for a bit this morning.  But what I really wanted to do was to get on my computer to figure out why my website’s gallery wasn’t working after some tweaks I tried on it recently.  [Aside: is my gallery running slowly for you?  I “upgraded” it in December, and since then it seems like it might actually be slower.  Let me know]  Anyway, I was just wanting to check my email and fix my gallery problems.

But instead, I decided to take Andrew to a park in Monona to meet some of the kids he’s going to go to preschool with.  However, he adamantly refused.  He “never wants to go anywhere EVER.”  Instead he’d prefer to kiss Sylvie lots until it’s too rough, snuggle with her until he’s on top of her and squashing her, and shake/kiss her hands until it gets violent.  I think he’s like me when I hold a little bunny.  I sometimes think “It’s so CUTE.  I must squish it.”  Weird, I know, but it’s true.

When he’s not love-mauling his sister, he’s either crying or wanting to be doing something new or being totally adorable.  It’s been exhausting.

For example, just now he started banging our floor lamp into the wall.
“STOP, please, Andrew!” I say.
“Why?” says Andrew.
“Because that might put a dent in the wall or break the lamp,” I say.
“What dent?” says Andrew.
“The Lamp Might Dent the Wall,” I say.
“Why?” says Andrew as he walks away.

Then as I typed that, he went to the other room and came back with a finger painting he did this morning.
“Oh,” I say, “that’s your pretty finger painting.”
Andrew lays it down by my feet.
“Oooo.  It’s really wet still, let’s put it back on the table so it can dry.”
“WHhhhhyyyy?” asks Andrew as he takes it away.
“So it doesn’t get all over everything,” I call as he disappears around the corner.

As I typed that, Andrew came in the room with his new bug net and repeatedly “caught me” by plopping it over my head.  Oh, and Sylvie is nursing/typing/fussing/grinning.  She isn’t having a great day.  Wait, I take that back. If I hold her and focus on her, she’s fine.  She’s just teething and not feeling like life is OK if she’s been set down.

So we leave for Jack’s house this afternoon, and I’m looking forward to getting out of the house!!!