Tom is doing well

July 12: Sylvia and I went to the hospital to visit Tom today. He was moved from the ICU to a normal hospital room, and he seemed to be doing really well. He’d taken a couple walks and he had a very steady stream of visitors. I was impressed at how strongly he could hold and move Sylvie. She was quite interested in grabbing at his tubes!
Tom’s voice is still pretty soft, so it’s a little hard to hear him in the video. A transcription of the video clip is below.

Tom: This is my friend Sylvia. And I’m doing very well. I love Sylvia and she loves me, right! That’s probably why I’m doing so well.
Ed: cough cough (in the background)
Tom: Oi oi oi oi oi. OK, now watch as Sylvia bites my finger off.
Ed: cough cough
Althea: Open up, honey! Tom’s looking good.