Morning activities

April 29: Andrew is counting to 20 in his room instead of napping.  Sylvia is sleeping with intermediate wake-ups.  She’s very mad when she wakes up, but then pop in the paci, and back to dreamland she goes.  Andrew has been wearing big-boy undies for the last several weeks, but he came out of his room a bit ago with a “poopy diaper”  a.k.a. poopy underpants.  While I was washing out his undies, he sat on the toilet and dropped his dad’s dice into the water.  (Bryan, if you’re reading this, sorry!  I pulled them out and washed them off with soap.)  Trying not to lose my cool, I got the little guy re-clothed and back into his room for continued quiet time.  Which since it is not particularly quiet nor restful for Andrew I may re-name “Mommy-needs-a-break-time.”
Michael came over this morning.  He’s back from visiting Joe in Maine with Terry and hasn’t yet started the job hunt.  I rented a van, and we moved our queen-sized guest bed to his house.  Then he brought over Rocky’s pizza for lunch.  Michael stayed home with the kids while I picked up an dropped off the truck.  It was one of the first times I’ve left Sylvie.  They did fine:)
Before he left, Michael helped me set up an art easel that Granny and Grandad got Andrew last Christmas.  I’d been waiting until we moved the rooms around to pull it up.  When Andrew gets up from his “mommy needs a break” time, he’ll have a fun surprise!
Thanks Uncle Bubba, for all your help today!