New bedrooms!

cutekids.jpgApril 28: We were productive over the weekend!  While Bryan mulched and dug weeds and planted Sylvia’s new magnolia tree, I played musical rooms with our bedrooms.  Sylvia sleeps in bed with us, and her dresser has been in the guest room.  We change her diaper and clothes either in our bedroom or in Andrew’s room or in our room.
I’ve been planning to move Andrew to the guest bedroom and make Andrew’s room back into a nursery for Sylvie.  So in the last couple weeks, I acquired some safari-print sheets for Andrew’s bed, a cool new clock for his wall, and a zebra rug for the floor.  Then on Saturday, I moved Sylvia’s stuff from the guest room to our room.  I moved the queen bed out to the sunroom, and transferred Andrew’s bed to his new room.  I swapped the dressers in the tow rooms, and  I pulled the puff rocker from the sunroom into Andrew’s room.   Bryan helped me pull the crib up from the basement, and we got that all set up in Sylvia’s room.  Then I had fun hanging pictures on the walls and organizing book shelves.  I got to hang the beautiful silk canopy above Sylvia’s crib (don’t worry, I’ll take it down when she gets old enough to grab it) and put pretty touches around the room for her.
Andrew leapt wildly about his new room, rolling around on his rug and cheering.  So I don’t think I have to be worried about him liking it.  Pictures of the new rooms (and of other cute kid antics) are in the gallery.

We also go the kid a new mattress for his bed.  The bed frame is one that I used, and we got the mattress quite used back in the ’80s, so his new sheets are covering a much firmer, cushier bed.

Syliva’s room has two sound machines…one I bought specially for her and the Sleep Sheep that my mom had used for a long time.  It seems like having both of them going simultaneously helps my very sound-sensitive daughter find her way to dreamland.  We put her down in her crib last night, and she slept there until around 1am.  It was the first time we’ve slept in separate rooms ever.  I flipped between feeling luxuriant and missing her dreadfully.  Bryan brought her into bed when she woke, so in the morning, I had my little one snuggled up against me.  What a sweetheart (as Andrew says!).

Now each kid has his/her own space, and it feels really nice and settled. Wow.  We have a full house!

PS.  Any ideas about how to move a queen sized bed across town?  I’m going to take it over to Michael’s house, but I’m not sure how to do it other than renting a truck!