Wouldn’t you know…

Feb 19: On Sunday afternoon, I was working on a post about Sylvia’s name.  I noticed that Windows wanted to do an automatic update, so I told it to go ahead.  When I restarted the computer a bit later, all that came up was a blank, black screen telling me that a system file was corrupted and Windows could not start.  Fortunately, my computer-brilliant husband took over.  I don’t think I am emotional centered enough this week to deal with either the loss of our web domain or with the loss of our computer.  Bryan has been able to remove the hard drive from our laptop and back up (what we hope are all) the important files.  Now we’re going to wipe the laptop out and reinstall Windows.  Geesh!

I’m typing now on our old laptop that sometimes does and sometimes does not allow you to use the “enter” and spacebar buttons.  I guess it woke up on the right side of something this morning.

All is well here aside from the computer fiasco:)