We’re on our own…

dimples.JPGFeb. 16: Little Sylvia is sleeping on my lap, and Bryan and Andrew are in the kitchen playing with Play doh.  Granny Lu flew home this afternoon…a very bumpy, exciting trip, I hear…and now we’re on our own.  It was so _very_ nice to have her staying here with us these last couple weeks.  And this last week since Sylvia has been here, it’s been just amazingly wonderful to have a third adult in the house.  She worked really hard on our behalf, and I know that Bryan and I both feel so very grateful.
I got a bit more sleep last night, and I woke up this morning feeling the best I have all week (baring perhaps the euphoric day Sylvia was born).  Sore muscles are improving, and the world feels like a good place:)  Maretta and Kyle drove down from St. Paul yesterday to meet their new little niece.  It’s such fun to introduce Sylvia to the world!
Andrew has been asking to hold and kiss Sylvia a lot, and yesterday when he went down for his nap, he told Bryan that he was “going to dream about baby Sylvia.”  Before Bryan’s mom left today, we had Michael, Lisa, Terry, Maretta, and Kyle over for breakfast.  They brought treats from a new patisserie on the square called Sucre.
Bryan has all of next week off work, and he is planning on working only mornings the following week.  So now begins a new chapter of our life.  It’s us and our two kids.  Wow.  Such cute kids.  I think my lips are going to get worn out from kissing them both so much.
Pictures from the last couple days are in the gallery.