Baking bread

dinosaurs.JPGJan. 6: As I look at 2008 and try to envision life as the mother of two children and in my new upcoming role as stay-at-home mom, I find that the future appears exciting and daunting and more than a little nebulous.  Since I tend to be an overly-organized person, I think that one of the things I am the most worried about with staying home is that home life doesn’t really require progress toward goals or plans or order.  But I think I need those things.  So at some point, I plan to sit down and begin to create a series of goals for myself over the next year.  One of the things that I know I want on my list is learning to easily and consistently make a good loaf of homemade bread.
Becky made some yummy bread for us at Jack’s and that inspired me.  So tonight, I made a loaf of bread, and I am still up at 11pm waiting to wrap it up for breakfast tomorrow.  I snitched a bit, and warm with a pat of butter, it was amazing.  I think it is the first loaf of bread I’ve made that has risen well ever.  Ahh, success!  I will sleep well tonight with the taste of bread on my tongue and the promise of bread with butter and strawberry jam for breakfast tomorrow!
Photos from the last week are in the gallery.