How we’ve passed our July days

firsticecreamcone.jpgJuly 29: It feels rather unfamiliar for me to be sitting down with my laptop to do a web posting.  Our days have been packed full this month, and I’ve spent almost no time online.  Our Netflix movies are from June…  Summer is a good time to unplug.  I thought I’d give a little update, though about what we’ve been doing with out days.  Since my last post twenty one days ago, we’ve had lots of activities going on.  Bryan had his wisdom teeth pulled earlier this month.  His wisdom seems to be intact, and he even went back to work the same day.
Andrew’s day care provider, Karen, went on vacation from July 11-19.  Fortunately, Bryan’s mom came to our rescue by flying up here to Madison to watch Andrew for a week.  She and Andrew had some great times together playing with homemade play dough, going to the park, building towers, and spending a lot of nice time together.  LuAnn is so great, and it was just fabulous to have a three-adults-to-one-child ratio in the house.  I think back fondly on that week…
Bryan has been on a sand volleyball team this summer.  They’ve been playing every Tuesday night, and Bryan really has enjoyed it.  Hard to believe summer activities like that are more than half-over!  While Bryan’s mom was here, Bryan and I went to a local baseball game hosted by Widen (Bryan’s work).  It was a lot of fun to spend an evening watching the Mallards play ball, hanging out with friends, and enjoying a summer evening together.
I’ve had a couple travels for work.  Last week, our summer board meeting was up in Minocqua, and while I just drove up for the day, it was lovely to spend a few hours up north.  What a wonderful part of the state!  On Tuesday and Wednesday this week, my Gathering Waters office had a summer retreat at Jack’s house down on the Wisconsin River.  We camped and ate good food and jumped in the river to cool off, met for business for a while, but generally had a fun time together.
We head back to Jack’s with my family this weekend, and I’m looking forward to that.  We’re planning on attending the neighborhood summer picnic this afternoon.  These summer days sure are full!
Pictures from the last three weeks are in the gallery.