Two-year-olds in DC

graceandalthea.jpgJuly 8: We just got back this afternoon from a wonderful five day visit to visit our friends Grace and Tim and their son John in Washington DC.  It was so relaxing and so much fun to hang out and enjoy summer days while watching our little boys play and explore. I’m John’s godmother, and you can find pictures from our past recent visits in the gallery (October 2005), (July 2006).  Amazing how much these little guys have changed!
We arrived on the 4th, and Andrew and John did a good job of negotiating their own set of rules and procedures about how they played together.  John is an amazingly verbal little boy.  Bryan and I were pretty stunned at how much he can carry on conversations.  The rest of the week we did pre-nap field trips.  Thursday we went to the National Zoo to see the elephants, pandas, and hippos.  Friday we took a bike ride through a beautiful forest to a playground near a creek where the boys had a blast splashing and throwing rocks while wearing their green froggie boots.  Saturday we took another bike ride to a different park where the boys climbed and slid and ran and had a great time.  Our friend Lara from graduate school lives in DC, and she watched the boys on Friday night while the four parents went out to indulge in a wonderful dinner at the Black Market Bistro.  I highly recommend it to anyone living in or visiting the DC area.  On Saturday night, Lara came over for a yummy supper cooked by Grace and Tim, and afterwards, Lara made crepes and we enjoyed a late-night dessert of warm crepes, cold ice cream and Nirvana Chocolate Spread (Nutella only better).
The flights to and from DC went really well, Andrew and John did a great job of getting along and even sharing, and I think we’re all feeling happy and rested and full of fun memories.