23 weeks – From a bump to a belly

Oct. 18: This is such a lovely time in pregnancy.  I think I’d be happy being this pregnant as a general state of being in life.  I can feel the little one rolling and kicking and moving around, but the motions are generally soft and fluttery.  She’s feeling less like a pingpong ball in her movements this week.  Her movements seems to be slowing down a little.  Maybe she’s finding that she’s running out of room.  Hard to believe that she’s over a pound now:)
My belly has rounded out in the last week or two.  I no longer fit into any of my pre-pregnancy pants, and especially now that I’m wearing maternity shirts, I’ve had several people on the street comment on my pregnancy.  It’s a surprising time to have my pregnancy go from a secret I tell people to a fact that anyone I meet can know.
Sleep has been good these days, and I haven’t been particularly tired during the day.  Plus I can still usually eat big meals, which I enjoy.  I’ve gained about 10 pounds since July, but I lost around 8 pounds in May and June (early pregnancy loss of appetite), so while I’m feeling bigger, I’m not yet feeling heavy.  But that’s coming!
I bought the cutest little shoes at a wonderful store in St. Paul called Peapod.  They make me so very happy.  That’s the news for now!

23 Week Update from Babycenter.com

Your baby is more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound. His skin is red and wrinkled. Blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare him for breathing. He can swallow, but he normally won’t pass his first stool (called meconium) until after birth. Loud noises heard often in utero — such as your dog barking or the roar of a vacuum cleaner — probably won’t faze your baby when he hears them outside the womb.

Big news…Michael and Lisa are engaged!!

michaelandlisa.jpgOct. 7: I’m excited to share the news that Michael and Lisa have decided to get engaged.  Lisa just posted the news on her blog.  Michael stopped by to share the news earlier this week.  He and Lisa have been dating for (I think) about four years.  Michael said that they are looking at a fall 2009 wedding.
Lisa, Michael, and their roommate, Alice, co-own a home together in Fitchburg.  For those of you who don’t know, Michael is a computer guy at Excel Inns, and Lisa works for American Family Insurance.
We’re really excited and happy for the two of them.

Feeling fulfilled after a visit with Granny Lu and Grandad

lionboy.jpgOct. 7: It’s Sunday night, and Bryan and I are relaxing after a great weekend with Granny Lu and Grandad.  Photos of the weekend are in the gallery.  Bryan’s mom came into town on Wednesday.  I took the afternoon off, and the two of us had a fun time visiting and doing some shopping for the little baby-on-the-way.  She stayed home with Andrew on Thursday and Friday.  Bryan’s dad was giving a speech in Minneapolis at the Certified Commercial Investment Members real estate symposium, and he drove down to Madison on Friday.  We all enjoyed a lovely time together.  I started working on a sweater for Andrew, and everyone else watched Andrew enough to let me make the whole back of the sweater over the weekend.
Our times together are pretty low-key.  We went to the zoo and to playgrounds, but in general, we stuck pretty close to home, just enjoying each other’s company.

Busy times

threeguys.jpgOct. 7: It feels like our schedule has been really full these last weeks.  Pictures are in the gallery.
Last weekend (Sept. 28-30), I was in Northfield and St. Paul for a Carleton Alumni Council meeting.  It was so wonderful to be back on campus.  I really love Carleton.  I find just being in the liberal arts environment to be very invigorating.  Bryan and Andrew had a nice time here at home.  They got out of the house a lot.  At one point, I got a text message from Bryan (we now have cell phones:) with an urgent question, “Been at library for 2hrs.  How do I get him to leave??”
Andrew does indeed love spending time at the library.  He bounces from reading books to putting puzzles together to playing with the wooden toys to climbing on the furniture to looking at the animal mural, and then he starts the cycle again!
Bryan’s been taking a classical guitar class on Monday nights, so I’ve been inviting Terry over for dinner that night.  It’s a fun chance to see him and to have company/extra help with Andrew on what otherwise would be a quiet evening.

We’re going to be heading back to Northfield for the Carleton Alumni Adventures committee meeting.  Bryan and Andrew are going to hang out on campus while I’m in meetings.  I’m sure they’ll enjoy some Hogan Bros. hoagies.  I’m hoping that we have the chance to pick apples at Fireside orchard.  And then we’re planning to spend some time with Maretta (and maybe Kyle) in St. Paul.  Assuming that Andrew handles the drive alright, it should be a fun time:)

Week 22 – we’re falling in love

Oct. 7: Time keeps going by.  I haven’t been on the computer much in the last week, and when I logged on this evening, I was shocked to see that I’ve reached the 22 week mark.  The illustration for this week is a little weird looking.  I know that the baby has very little fat, but this one looks a whole lot like ET:)
I had some fun recently looking at the posts that I had done during my pregnancy with Andrew.  They’re available at the very start of my blog or right here.  So far, this pregnancy has been really, really easy.  I’m feeling the baby moving a lot of the time, and I’m feeling very loving toward her.  I love anticipating that the little person who is growing inside of me could grow to become one of my favorite people in the whole wide world.  Pictures of the ultrasound and some exciting new baby clothes are in the gallery.

Here’s the 22 week update from BabyCenter.com

How your baby’s growing:

Your baby now looks like a miniature newborn, checking in at 10.9 inches and almost 1 pound. Her skin will continue to appear wrinkled until she gains enough weight to fill it out, and the fine hair (lanugo) that covers her head and body is now visible. Her lips are becoming more distinct, and the first signs of teeth are appearing as buds beneath her gum line. Her eyes are developed, though the iris (the colored part of the eye) still lacks pigment. Eyelids and eyebrows are in place, and her pancreas, essential for hormone production, is developing steadily.

21 Weeks…This little one is bopping!

Sept. 30: This sweet little baby is really moving around in my belly!  I spent the weekend up in Northfield and St. Paul, and in the evenings while Maretta and I were watching movies, she could feel the little bumps coming from my tummy.
I think that this is the most calm and lovely part of a pregnancy.  I can feel the sweet little baby, I’m feeling pregnant and growing but still small enough to be comfortable almost all the time.  It’s not hard to do anything yet.  The sweet little baby bumps aren’t uncomfortable, my pelvis isn’t splitting…these are all really good things.  I’d like it if this month could last a while.  On the other hand, I want to meet our new little person, so let’s keep the show on the road!

Update from BabyCenter.com – Week 21

How your baby’s growing:

Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is
approximately 10 1/2 inches long. His eyebrows and eyelids are fully developed. And you can certainly feel him move. He’s oblivious to your schedule, though, so don’t be surprised if he starts working out just when you’re settling down for the night.

I dream of Mommy

Sept. 28: I just woke up from having the most amazing dream. Since Mom died…exactly four weeks ago…I haven’t had any dreams about her. But last night I had this long and elaborate dream, and it was lovely.

In this dream, we were burying her with the casket open.  And as we shoveled dirt onto her, I broke down and couldn’t watch.  So I was sitting in a nearby room (I think we were burying her indoors, hmm), Mom walked in, freshly showered and looking completely healthy.

Her hair was curling around her face, and her expression was calm and happy.  She said that somehow the shoveling of dirt onto her had woken her up.  I thought about telling her that her body had been prepared for an open casket funeral, and there was no way in the world that she could still be alive, but I decided to let that matter rest.  Who cared, she was right there in front of me.

We held each other, and I cried and told her how much I had missed her.

Then, in one of those dream-like transitions, Mom and Andrew and I were out shopping together.  She pointed out a couple things she thought I would like.  In one case, I was holding the same item in a different color on the other side of the same display.  I said, “I’m going to buy this, Mom.  It’s not every day you come back from the dead!”

Andrew was being a pickle, and Mom seemed to be having so much fun, was expressing so much relief at getting to watch him run around and do his marvelous exploration of the world.

For a long time, Mom and I wandered and shopped and talked…mostly about every day nothing.  It was lovely.

Toward the end of the dream, she and I were curled up in her bed.  She was wearing the night gown she wore some of her last coherent days at home, but now it looked good on her healthy, not-so-skinny body.

I cuddled close to her and smelled her skin.  She smelled just like she is supposed to.  I’ve missed that, without even knowing it.  We laughed together at how white her legs are.
I was just so stunned to have here next to me, in my presence, and so fully alive.

She asked me if I felt like this was worth it.  If the goodness I felt at seeing her again overshadowed the pain I would feel if she died again.  And I told her I would take two more weeks of the torture of watching her die to have this one beautiful day.  She seemed glad about that.

A couple moments later I woke up.  My little sister is sleeping in the bunk above me; I’m staying with her in St. Paul this weekend.  I spent a few moments thinking about how lovely it was to not have that sadness anymore.  Then I realized that it had been a dream.  Oh well.  At least I got to see her.

I so hope I have more of those dreams.  It really made me feel good.  It made me realize that what I miss most is spending time to Mom and being close to her.  I really makes me sad to think that we won’t be able to have anymore lazy days spent in happy company together.  So if we can do that now and again in my dreams, that would make this new reality a little easier to bear.

And maybe when this new little baby is born, I can introduce her to Mom in my dreams too.  Of course, I think she’ll already know her well.  I have a feeling that in some form, Mom is going to be spending the next four months holding and singing to my little one.  I wouldn’t be surprised if it came out already knowing all our lullabies.

It’s a girl!

BabyDScanA.jpgSept. 25:  I’m just back at a computer after my fun and heartwarming ultrasound appointment.  The little one was bopping around inside.  Very active and looking all complete and healthy.  The ultrasound lady got a good look, and she said that we’re having a girl.  Yay!  I’m so giddy and excited.  Going out for French fries and a malt now!

Brother or sister??

Sept. 25: Today is the day of my 20 week ultrasound, and I just can’t wait to get a glimpse of the little wanderer inside.  I asked Andrew last night if he thought that the teeny tiny baby would be a sister or a brother.  He said sister.  Then I asked if a sister was a girl or a boy.  He said a boy.  I told him a sister is a girl and a brother is a boy asked again which he thought our baby would be.  He said sister.  So that’s Andrew’s guess.
I think Bryan has no guess about gender, and I’ve been quietly thinking girl from nearly the beginning.  I’ve spent the last week trying to get my head around the idea of, “what if it is a boy?”  I’d be pretty surprised!  But I’d be delighted either way.  I kind of see myself as the mom of a boy.  I like the idea of boys and brothers.  When I first found out I was pregnant, I was hoping for a boy.  But then I started to get a girl sense, and at this point, like I said, I’d be really surprised if it was a boy.
So exciting!  I’ll post an update as soon as I find out!

Lovely times outdoors

olbrichbench.jpgSept. 22: I’ve been having some really fun times with Andrew this past week.  Last weekend, the weather was cool and fallish.  Bryan, Andrew and I all went to Cherokee Marsh for a nice long walk.  Andrew didn’t think that “walk” applied to him.  He wanted to be carried.  He did have a great time searching for nuts and pebbles and spying on grasshoppers and other insect life.  It was a beautiful day.
On Sunday, we had a mostly great trip to Olbrich Gardens.  The main bugaboo we ran into was the many water features.  Andrew wanted to get WET.  As we told him, “no” to putting his hand in the water, he ratcheted up the ante and decided he wanted to fully submerge himself in the water.  As we walked over the bridge, he kept saying, “jump in!”  I think he was just trying to stake out a strong bargaining position:)  Photos from Cherokee and Olbrich are in the gallery.

On Friday, Andrew and I joined my co-workers Pam and Vicki and their kiddos Clara and Alex for an outing to Eplegaarden Orchard in Fitchberg.  It’s so fun to see these little ones interacting and doing their thing.  They’re each just amazing.

I picked lots of apples, which I’m planning on making into apple sauce and perhaps other yummy things.  The only problem is that Joe isn’t here.  He helped me peel and cut up the apples for the last batch of apple sauce.  Without his help, I’m a little afraid that they may all just rot on the counter.  Just kidding, Bryan.

Photos of the little ones playing at the orchard are in the gallery.