23 weeks – From a bump to a belly

Oct. 18: This is such a lovely time in pregnancy.  I think I’d be happy being this pregnant as a general state of being in life.  I can feel the little one rolling and kicking and moving around, but the motions are generally soft and fluttery.  She’s feeling less like a pingpong ball in her movements this week.  Her movements seems to be slowing down a little.  Maybe she’s finding that she’s running out of room.  Hard to believe that she’s over a pound now:)
My belly has rounded out in the last week or two.  I no longer fit into any of my pre-pregnancy pants, and especially now that I’m wearing maternity shirts, I’ve had several people on the street comment on my pregnancy.  It’s a surprising time to have my pregnancy go from a secret I tell people to a fact that anyone I meet can know.
Sleep has been good these days, and I haven’t been particularly tired during the day.  Plus I can still usually eat big meals, which I enjoy.  I’ve gained about 10 pounds since July, but I lost around 8 pounds in May and June (early pregnancy loss of appetite), so while I’m feeling bigger, I’m not yet feeling heavy.  But that’s coming!
I bought the cutest little shoes at a wonderful store in St. Paul called Peapod.  They make me so very happy.  That’s the news for now!

23 Week Update from Babycenter.com

Your baby is more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound. His skin is red and wrinkled. Blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare him for breathing. He can swallow, but he normally won’t pass his first stool (called meconium) until after birth. Loud noises heard often in utero — such as your dog barking or the roar of a vacuum cleaner — probably won’t faze your baby when he hears them outside the womb.