October 18: I’m happy to report that Mom’s chemotherapy and radiation treatments ended last Wednesday (the 12th), and she’s now done for at least the next three weeks. Her body will get a good hiatus to rest and recuperate, and hopefully she’ll be feeling better and better. The chest pain problems she was having have begun to subside. It sounded pretty painful, but the doctors ran all sorts of scans and couldn’t find anything wrong with her. So we’re guessing that the pain could be related to the fact that her chemo port is in her upper chest and maybe having continuous infusion of nasty drugs for six weeks irritated blood vessels in her upper chest.
As of Monday, Mom said that she is still experiencing some nausea and malaise, and she is sticking pretty close to home.
The next step (after three more weeks of recovery) is to get a CAT Scan on November 8. Check out this site for a fun explanation of how CAT scans work. On the 8th, they’ll be looking to see how much the tumor has changed. Our fervent hope is that the treatments that were so hard on Mom’s systems were also really hard on the tumor and it has shrunk to the point that it is removable with surgery. As a reminder, the primary reason that the tumor could not be removed in June was because it involves about three centimeters of the superior mesenteric vein. Here’s a site that talks about the Whipple Procedure, the surgery Mom will have if the tumor has shrunk enough that it is not surrounding her superior mesenteric vein. Here’s a 9-page PDF for those who really want to learn more about the surgery. The superior mesenteric vein drains blood from the small intestine, and because it is such a vital and delicate vein, it is very difficult to operate on. Hence, we really want the tumor to BACK AWAY from the vein.
So that’s the current update. Should be quiet for a while!
Visit with Mom, Dad, and Melanie
Oct 9: We had a wonderful weekend visit with Bryan’s parents and Melanie. Photos (lots of them!) are in the gallery. Melanie also took some great pictures of the pets. Andrew has been smiling more and more. Some of the first pictures I got of his smile were on Sept. 30 (see pics).
He is getting more and more interactive, and he’s making lots of goos and is looking all around. Each day is so much fun with this little guy!
Oct. 10: Experiencing some chest pain
Oct. 10 afternoon:
The doctors did a series of tests and weren’t able to determine the cause of Mom’s chest pain. She’s going to be taking 800 mg of Ibuprofen (which can cause nausea…great), and she went home this afternoon. I found a website that has some info on the connection between chemo and chest pain (chemocare.com).
Oct. 10: Mom went to the hospital this morning because she’s been experiencing chest pain over the last 12 hours or so. As of 9 am, the doctors have done an EKG and ruled out a heart attack, but they’re doing tests to check for fluid around the heart sack and blood clots. I talked to Mom on the phone this morning, and she said she’d been uncomfortable if she moved in certain ways, and she spent the second half of the night sitting up. They gave her a couple baby aspirin, and she said that helped. “Just another bump in the road,” she said. I’ll give more updates as I hear them.
Oct 9: Four days left!
Mom started up on her chemo treatments again on Tuesday last week, and she only has (I think) four treatments left this week until she’s done with this round. They decreased the chemo dosage, so hopefully that will help her avoid getting as sick as she wraps up. Then we wait four weeks or so before they scan to see how much poco the tumor has shrunk.
That’s the update for now!
Oct. 3 Update: Mom’s back home
Oct 3: Sorry to be belated in posting this…I tried last week and had technical difficulties… Mom is feeling better and came home from the hospital on Friday afternoon. Healing is always somewhat slow, but she’s on the mend. That Fluorouracil is just a pretty nasty drug. Mom has an appointment with Dr. Diggs (her oncologist) this afternoon, so she’ll find out then when she’ll resume her treatment (she has about a week and a half left of radiation with continuous infusinon of Fluorouracil). That’s the update for now!
Visit to Northfield was fun!
Sept. 27: Andrew is now 14 weeks old! I weighed him yesterday, and he came in at 14 pounds, 7 ounces (fully clothed).
And last week he measured 24 inches long. We went on a driving trip up to Northfield for the weekend. I had a meeting for my alumni committee on Friday and Saturday. Andrew and Bryan explored the Carleton campus and town and came to visit me for nursing breaks. On Sunday we drove up to St. Paul to visit Maretta and to see her beautiful campus. St. Kate’s is really nice, and as I haven’t been up there since we dropped her off last year, it was fun to see the campus now that it is “hers.”
We missed our Happy Bambino group for the second time this week, which is sad. I had so much fun with our friends there. We have a dinner planned for this Saturday, however, so hopefully that will provide a nice opportunity to get together. Photos from the past few weeks are available in the gallery (and if you missed them over the last week, we also have some Babler family photos as well.) Hope all is well with you!
Sept 27 Update: Mom’s still in the hospital
It seems like every time Mom goes in to the hospital that she stays quite a bit longer than we expect. This time is no exception. Mom checked herself into St. Mary’s on Wednesday the 21 because the chemotherapy and radiation were having such nasty effects on her systems. She was feeling better at first, but then over the weekend she took a step or two back, and her digestive system still hasn’t calmed down enough to allow her to go home.
Fortunately she has a lovely view of Lake Wingra and the sunset from her hospital room, and she has as many visitors as she wants.
Chemotherapy and radiation treatments have been postponed until she’s back up and running, and unfortunately, since she has over a week left of treatments, she’ll probably start to get sick again once those start.
Since she’s been off chemotherapy, her hands and feet are hurting her less and her mouth sores are healing. So that’s been nice. The down-side is that the radiation has caused some abdominal pain (zapping your gut doesn’t occur without some side-effects) and her alimentary canal is still very much out of wack.
So that’s the update for today. Mom is still in good spirits (if a little tired sometimes). She has a room full of flowers and sometimes family and friends, and all these conditions are caused by the treatment, which is hopefully leading us toward the removal of that pernicious tumor.
Andrew is three months old!
Sept. 22: We woke up singing happy birthday to our little guy who is now three months old. He’s over 14 lbs, and last night (I almost feel like whispering this) he slept over seven hours. I haven’t had seven hours of uninterrupted sleep since well before he was born, and I must say that I feel like a new person. He’s also gotten so interested in his hands that he amuses himself for up to 20 minutes after waking up just by playing with and even sucking on his hands. He’s adjusting well to our new schedule of work. I went back on Sept. 15, and he is getting along with his daycare provider, Karen, well. At first he wasn’t liking to take a bottle from her, but that seems to have sorted itself out. Karen watches three other babies (most closer to a year), and she said that yesterday Andrew was really smiling at one of the others. We’re heading up to Northfield this weekend so Andrew can see his future Alma mater (just kidding).
New photos will be forthcoming next week, but in the meantime, you can see some Babler family photos that we had taken in late August and some photos from Andrew’s perspective.
Baby Center.com update
How your baby’s growing: Is your baby strong enough to hold up his head now to see what’s going on? [HE SURE IS!] Better joint flexibility allows many three-month-olds to wave and kick more forcefully, too, and to open their fingers and bring their hands together.
Chances are your little charmer is still bestowing smiles on everyone he meets this month, but he’s getting pickier about the company he keeps. In large groups or with people he doesn’t know very well, he may need some time to get comfortable.
The temporal lobe in your baby’s brain — which handles hearing, language, and smell — is bustling with activity this month. Make the most of it by talking to your baby, playing music, and reading out loud.
Five weeks of radiation was too much
September 22: Mom checked in to St. Mary’s hospital yesterday so she can get continuous infusion of iv fluids to help her body recuperate from the nasty chemo side-effects. She’s been feeling side-effects for the last week, but in the past several days the nausea didn’t allow her to keep down any nutrition. Early in the week she went into the clinic to get fluids, and they stopped her continuous infusion of the 5-FU chemo drug that she’s been on since Aug. 23.
She did radiation on Monday (and I think on Tuesday), but then on Wednesday she was just feeling so bad that they decided she’s be best off in the hospital for a few days.
The doctor said that she’d made it further on this treatment than anyone else who he had treated had, so that just goes to show how nasty these drugs are on a person’s system. She’s going to be sleeping lots and regaining her health over the next couple days. I’m out of town until Monday, but I’ll put up another update then. Mom is still in good spirits, and I don’t think there’s anything she really needs right now except to rest and get those drugs flushed out of her system. Let’s hope the 5-FU was as nasty to the tumor as it has been the rest of her systems!
September 14 Update: Half way through radiation
Mom has completed three weeks out of the six weeks of radiation/continuous chemo infusion. She goes into the clinic each morning for a dose of radiation and some time putting together the puzzle in the waiting room. On Monday mornings, she also gets her chemo pump refilled for the week. It’s stored in a little case that she caries around her waist.
Mom and Joey took Maretta up to college over Labor Day weekend, and Joe started school again as well (he’s a senior this year!).
The radiation and chemo are starting to demonstrate some of the side effects that we were warned about. Mom is starting to feel more fatigued, she has some hand and foot pain, and the mouth sores are coming back (she jokes that she has hoof and mouth disease). But she still describes these side effects as tolerable (which is good since there are still a few weeks to go). She has a great attitude. Her doctor said he wishes he could bottle it.
Andrew’s 12 week update
Andrew is 12 weeks old this week! Photos from September 4-11 are in the new Fall album of the Gallery (click here). Photos from late August including a visit from Granny Lu are in the summer album (click here).
Andrew has developed so many new skills these past few weeks. He can reach for toys (every once in a while) and pull them toward him. His smiles are coming more frequently, and he’s engaging more and more with the people and environments around him. He’s wearing his 3-6 month-old clothes now, and he weighs 13 lbs 10 oz…and ever growing boy!
I go back to work on Sept. 15, and we’ve been doing trial runs of day care so he can get to know Karen and they can start to develop a relationship.
Last weekend we had a picnic with some of our new friends. Photos are in the gallery.