Andrew is three months old!

Sept. 22: We woke up singing happy birthday to our little guy who is now three months old.  He’s over 14 lbs, and last night (I almost feel like whispering this) he slept over seven hours.  I haven’t had seven hours of uninterrupted sleep since well before he was born, and I must say that I feel like a new person.  He’s also gotten so interested in his hands that he amuses himself for up to 20 minutes after waking up just by playing with and even sucking on his hands.  He’s adjusting well to our new schedule of work.  I went back on Sept. 15, and he is getting along with his daycare provider, Karen, well.  At first he wasn’t liking to take a bottle from her, but that seems to have sorted itself out.  Karen watches three other babies (most closer to a year), and she said that yesterday Andrew was really smiling at one of the others.  We’re heading up to Northfield this weekend so Andrew can see his future Alma mater (just kidding).
New photos will be forthcoming next week, but in the meantime, you can see some Babler family photos that we had taken in late August and some photos from Andrew’s perspective.

Baby update

How your baby’s growing: Is your baby strong enough to hold up his head now to see what’s going on? [HE SURE IS!] Better joint flexibility allows many three-month-olds to wave and kick more forcefully, too, and to open their fingers and bring their hands together.

Chances are your little charmer is still bestowing smiles on everyone he meets this month, but he’s getting pickier about the company he keeps. In large groups or with people he doesn’t know very well, he may need some time to get comfortable.

The temporal lobe in your baby’s brain — which handles hearing, language, and smell — is bustling with activity this month. Make the most of it by talking to your baby, playing music, and reading out loud.