Visit to Northfield was fun!

AndrewandWyatt.jpgSept. 27:  Andrew is now 14 weeks old!  I weighed him yesterday, and he came in at 14 pounds, 7 ounces (fully clothed).
And last week he measured 24 inches long.  We went on a driving trip up to Northfield for the weekend.  I had a meeting for my alumni committee on Friday and Saturday.  Andrew and Bryan explored the Carleton campus and town and came to visit me for nursing breaks.  On Sunday we drove up to St. Paul to visit Maretta and to see her beautiful campus.  St. Kate’s is really nice, and as I haven’t been up there since we dropped her off last year, it was fun to see the campus now that it is “hers.”
We missed our Happy Bambino group for the second time this week, which is sad.  I had so much fun with our friends there.  We have a dinner planned for this Saturday, however, so hopefully that will provide a nice opportunity to get together.  Photos from the past few weeks are available in the gallery (and if you missed them over the last week, we also have some Babler family photos as well.)  Hope all is well with you!