Apple picking and a pumpkin

apples.jpgSept. 29: Andrew is taking many steps in a row these days.  He lunges a little like a baby Frankenstein, and he crawls about half the time, but he’s taking 10-15 steps in a row.  It’s incredible to see him walk from room to room!

I have some photos in the gallery of a trip to the apple orchard.
Andrew picked his own apple and then proceeded to eat nearly the whole thing.  And I pulled out his strawberry and pumpkin hats from last year.  When he sees them, he pats the top of his head to tell me he wants me to put it on him.

Playing with grandparents

grandparentswalk.jpgSept. 29: Granny Lu and Grandpa were in town last weekend, and we all had a really nice time together.  The weather didn’t really cooperate for trips to the park. But Andrew doesn’t need an outing to have a great time with his Granny Lu and Grandad.  He showed off his ever-growing walking skills, and he tried on his Halloween duck costume for fun.

Photos of our weekend (from LuAnn…I didn’t pick up my  camera the whole time) are in the gallery.

Andrew is full of wonder

andrewanddad.jpgSept. 13: Being away from Andrew for five days while I was in Ann Arbor with Heather and Michael was pretty hard.
In sharing their grief over losing their baby, I really had to put thoughts of Andrew out of my mind, and as time went on, I found that separating Andrew from my thoughts really took a toll on my mind and heart. It made me realize how close to the surface thoughts of him are in everything I do.

When I got back home last night, I pulled Andrew out of his crib and held him.  It seemed that he has grown so much in only a few days.  He can push his little push toy adroitly all over the house, he can start to make many more words (like a whispered Sss-oooky for our cat).  And Bryan said he learned the sign for “floor.”  Makes me get a sense for how very hard it must be for Andrew’s grandparents and aunts and uncles who don’t get to see him as regularly.  I want to capture each moment with Andrew in my heart.

During my layover between train and bus in Chicago, I did some therapy shopping for Andrew.  I found some cute clothes, but I was a bit chagrined to find that all the 18-24 month clothes are little boy clothes, not baby clothes.  And when he wears little boy clothes, he almost doesn’t look like my baby any more.  But he still sure is cute:)  And his curly hair is out-of-control!  I love it.

In our gallery, I have pictures of Andrew playing with Clara, my co-worker Pam’s daughter, playing with a ball, and eating chocolate chip cookie dough.  I also have an album with a photo from my Aunt Julie’s wedding and Andrew coloring and playing with Dad.

Our friends lost their baby

Sept. 13: I haven’t posted in a couple weeks because I’ve been really sad.  Our friends Heather and Michael were expecting a baby boy in late August.  To our extraordinary sadness, they found during a routine check-up on September 1 that their baby had no heartbeat.  Heather delivered baby Allan Fredrick’s body on Saturday, September 2.  He was seven pounds, 1/2 ounce and was 20 and 1/2 inches long.

Heather and Michael’s family gathered close to them and helped them through their life-altering first week.  On Friday, September 8, my brother Michael, our friend Anne, and I drove out to share Heather and Michael’s grief.  I ended up staying through Tuesday.  My mom headed out to Ann Arbor today.

Allan was a beautiful baby.  He had a perfect little face with a half-moon chin, big hands and feet, and soft brown hair.  I only wish we could have known him more.  I feel so lucky that he touched my life, and he will always hold a place in my heart.  I hope that by reading this, you may feel closer to Allan and remember him.

And think of Heather and Michael.  They have far too much grief to bear.

Andrew Update – Almost walking!

Aug. 24: Maybe I should change the title of this post to “first steps.”  Andrew’s been doing incredible baby things this month.  He’s gotten really engaged and interested in baby sign language, and he just started taking faltering first steps.  A little step, a swing of the hip, and “plop” he goes down.  Or maybe not.  Perhaps he catches himself and then goes down to his knees as if to say, “Phew, what was that!”  He can stand up from a squat, and sometimes I look over and he’s just standing up in the middle of the room.  Such a darling cutie!

Andrew is also really getting into signs.  He’s not saying much verbally (started saying “down” and “alldone”), but he’s really picking up on signs.  For those of you not completely immersed in the world of babies, there’s a lot of info out these days about teaching babies some basic types of sign language to help them communicate before their verbal skills kick in.  Here’s a website for more info.  Some of Andrew’s favorite new signs are “elephant” – arm swinging “hat” – patting his head “airplane”  – pointing up at the sky and “frog” – sticking his tongue in and out.  I’m working on getting photos, so check back soon.

Our old website’s server is toast

Aug. 18: You may have noted over the last week or two that our website has been down.
The server upon which it lived has reached the end of its life, and I am in the process of moving to a new hosting service.  Ben, our terrific brother-in-law, has hosted our website for the last year and a half.  In the next month or two, he’ll be trying to retrieve the data from our website off the now-defunct server.  In the meantime, I’ll start a new site from scratch.

Joe is off to college

joeleaves.jpgAug. 18: Dad and I waved goodbye to Joe as he and Mom and Michael pulled out of the drive way and drove down Dennis Drive and they began the long trip to Maine.  Joe is off to Bowdoin College this fall, and we are all so very excited for him.  Makes me think back a lot to what it was like to leave for college.  There are so many unknowns.  So much excitement and terror and glee and fear.

After leaving his stuff in his room, Joe will head off for a pre-orientation frosh trip to Acadia National Park for a four day hiking trip.  Bryan and I are hoping to head out to visit and to do some camping of our own on the Maine coastline sometime soon.   Photos I snapped the day of Joe’s departure are in the gallery.

Float’n down the river

river.jpgAug. 14:
We just got back from the Babler family’s annual trip to Jack’s house on the Wisconsin River.  I kept remembering back to last year when Andrew was so very little (and rather unhappy that month).  He’s such a different kid now.  And such a marvel!  We did all the regular activities…played games, ate loads of yummy food, floated down the river, and sat outside and watched the stars come out.  Andrew stayed out of the river again this year, but maybe in another year or two we’ll think of bringing him along in a canoe.  It was a fun trip…commemorating Joe’s last weekend in Wisconsin before he heads out to Maine for college this fall.

And we were all so much more light-of-heart because of Mom’s continued excellent health.  Photos of our weekend are in the gallery.

I got to go Up North!

riccios.jpgAug. 12: I just spent a really fun few days up north near Three Lakes, Wisconsin with my friends the Riccios.  Back in high school, I traveled up north with Debbie, Liza, and Julia for happy summer times.  Our group has grown, and I haven’t been up to Whispering Pines in about eight years.  I drove up north solo (sans husband or baby!) on Wednesday and had to leave on Friday, but during our trip together, we read, played Mille Borne, canasta, and euchre, took walks, and played in the lake.  I missed my sweet boys, but it was so nice to get away for a bit.  Bryan was just wonderful to take on single-parenthood for a few days while I played in the woods.  Photos of my time are in the gallery.