Andrew Update – Almost walking!

Aug. 24: Maybe I should change the title of this post to “first steps.”  Andrew’s been doing incredible baby things this month.  He’s gotten really engaged and interested in baby sign language, and he just started taking faltering first steps.  A little step, a swing of the hip, and “plop” he goes down.  Or maybe not.  Perhaps he catches himself and then goes down to his knees as if to say, “Phew, what was that!”  He can stand up from a squat, and sometimes I look over and he’s just standing up in the middle of the room.  Such a darling cutie!

Andrew is also really getting into signs.  He’s not saying much verbally (started saying “down” and “alldone”), but he’s really picking up on signs.  For those of you not completely immersed in the world of babies, there’s a lot of info out these days about teaching babies some basic types of sign language to help them communicate before their verbal skills kick in.  Here’s a website for more info.  Some of Andrew’s favorite new signs are “elephant” – arm swinging “hat” – patting his head “airplane”  – pointing up at the sky and “frog” – sticking his tongue in and out.  I’m working on getting photos, so check back soon.