A poem for today

by Alan Shapiro

after the downpour, in the early evening,
late sunlight glinting off the raindrops sliding
down the broad backs of the redbud leaves
beside the porch, beyond the railing, each leaf
bending and springing back and bending again
beneath the dripping,
between existences,
ecstatic, the souls grow mischievous, they break ranks,
swerve from the rigid V’s of their migration,
their iron destinies, down to the leaves
they flutter in among, rising and settling,
bodiless, but pretending to have bodies,

their weightlessness more weightless for the ruse,
their freedom freer, their as-ifs nearly not,
until the night falls like an order and
they rise on one vast wing that darkens down
the endless flyways into other bodies.

Nothing will make you less afraid.

Anne sent me this poem on Mom’s birthday this year, and I just ran across it in a mad attempt to organize my gmail inbox.  I’ve really enjoyed watching the geese fly low over our home recently.  Always makes me think of my mom.

The things he says!

running.JPGNov. 2: Behold!  A new installment of the cute things that Andrew says.  I’ve got a couple notebooks where I jot these things down, and the time has come to share them.  This boy…  He’s something else.  And so sweet and snuggly.  I really love him.  So now without further ado..

Andrew: “Mommy, guess what!! (as he runs down the hall, leaping into the air like a gleeful leprechaun)
Mom “What is it, Andrew?”
Andrew: (as he pulls his pants up to his knees).  “I’m getting hair on my legs!! I’m getting to be a big daddy!”

After preschool, Andrew flew from the playground and gave Aunt Melanie a leaping-hug…
Andrew:  I missed you for five days while I was at preschool!  I can’t even BELIEVE it!
(and later, throughout Aunt Mel’s visit)
Andrew: “I love you so much, I can’t even BELIEVE it!”
Andrew: “You’re the SWEETEST Aunt Mel in the whole world.”

As we are driving in the car, Andrew channeled the book “Guess How Much I Love You”

Andrew: “I like you to the sun.  I like you as much as the bushes!  I like you as high as the pavement!”

After giving him a cup of yummy cider
Andrew: “Thanks for giving me some apple cider, Mommy.  Dat was just what I wanted.”

While folding laundry on my bed
Mom: “Andrew-man, please don’t hop on the bed.”
Andrew: (while bouncing up and down) “I’m not hopping, Mom.  I’m jumping!”

While we were at the Windsor Cemetery visiting my mom’s grave one beautiful fall afternoon
Andrew: “Grandma Margot died.  She’s buried in there (pointing at the ground).  (pause) I wish she were here.  I miss Grandma Margot.
(pause) I bet Grandpa misses her.”
and later
Andrew: “I wish Grandma Margot didn’t die.”

While driving, Andrew is coo-ing and goo-ing and being silly with Sylvia…
Andrew: “Mommy, I like you.  I like Sylvia too.  (pause) I like Sylvie better than you.”
Mom: “I’m glad you like your sister so much.”
Andrew: “I love her.  She’s so SWEET!”

Finally, not something Andrew said, but a snippet of a conversation I had with Jessica that really cracked me up.  I think it demonstrates how even boys who love their little sisters can be too aggressive sometimes.  And how much it can help to have a friend to talk (and then laugh) about it!

Me: “Andrew bit Sylvia today.  Hard.  He left teeth marks.”
Jessica: “Ouch!  What did you do about that? (pause)  I ask because Eli hit Celia over the head with a fire truck.”

These kids are just too much!

Splish splash

Nov. 2: Sylvia loves, loves LOVES taking a bath. She laughs, she splashes, she delights in all the water. Amazingly (as compared to her brother), she even thinks that having a cup of water dumped over her head is great fun. She blows bubbles all on her own (she came up with the idea herself), and even when she slips and gets a face full of water she doesn’t seem that perturbed. It’s so fun to watch her take a bath!
If you need a little happy therapy, come on over for Sylvie’s bath time!

Visiting Mum

Nov. 2: On Tuesday, Andrew, Sylvia, and I drove down to Janesville to visit Mum. We had a nice time together. She really enjoyed seeing the kiddos, and she seemed rather overjoyed that I’d come. I think she’s feeling pretty lonely. Hard to believe that she’ll be 90 years old this winter!
Here’s a video I took of her during our visit. Andrew was not interested in participating:)

Visiting Mum with the kids

mum.JPGNov. 1: On Tuesday last week, I took Sylvia and Andrew to Janesville to visit Mum.  She’d called me a few times recently – sounding pretty lonely – and she really seemed to appreciate our visit.  She marveled at Sylvie and Andrew, and she was in pretty good shape during our visit.  Hard to believe she’s going to be 90 years old in a few months!  Pictures are in the gallery.

Continue reading “Visiting Mum with the kids”

Playtime with friends

ccjane.JPGOct. 31: Jessica, Eli, and Celia came over today for a little Halloween playtime.  Andrew and Eli didn’t have preschool this week because of the statewide teacher’s conference, so we got together with Alivia on Thursday and with Eli on Friday.  Today we made some Halloween-y play-doh in orange and brown.  The boys had fun adding the color and then making cakes and pies and finally taking it outside and scattering it around (!).  The weather has been amazing these last couple days, and we’re enjoying it 100%.  Jessica and I took lots of pictures of the kids today.  You can find them in the gallery!

Pumpkin carving

pumpkinguts.JPGOct. 31: I am enjoying a late night of movie-watching and photo-editing, and I’ve got some good new pictures in the gallery.
While Ben and Melanie were here, we bought and carved some pumpkins.  Andrew had a fun time making his by pounding a golf tee into his pumpkin and making star-like holes.  Ben, Melanie, and Bryan also made cool ones.  This was Andrew’s first time carving a pumpkin, and it was fun to watch!  Photos are in the gallery.

Halloween ’08 – trick-or-treating fun

halloween.JPGOct. 31: It’s so fun to have small kids during holidays!  Seeing Andrew get so excited that he couldn’t sit still…it’s really cute.  This evening, we went trick-or-treating around our neighborhood – about 10 houses – with Andrew’s friends Alivia and Rayna and their parents, Kathy and Brett.
Andrew was leaping about in his adorable giraffe costume.  He and Alivia (sort of) took turns ringing door bells and happily requesting candy from our neighbors.  It was an amazingly beautiful day today, and while we were trick-or-treating it must have been in the 50s.  Wonderful weather!  Pictures of the evening are in the gallery.

New habit – working out

Oct. 31: Aside from chasing the kids around, I haven’t had a regular work-out routine since I was 8 months pregnant with Andrew. I’ve recently decided, though, that it’s time. After spending well over a month waffling about which gym to join, I signed up with Curves on Monday this week.
So far, so good! I went four times this week, and it worked really well. I get up at 5:50, feed Sylvia, and I’m at Curves by 6:15. It’s a half-hour circuit workout and 10 minutes of stretching. That gets me back home just after 7. For the most part, everyone at home is still asleep or just stirring.
I’ve noticed an increase in my energy levels, and it feels so good to be moving again! My goal will be to go three days a week, but I’m enjoying going every morning so long as I get enough sleep.
Thanks, Melanie, for introducing me to Curves! My wonderful sister-in-law owns a Curves in Texas:)

Waving girl

Oct. 31: Sylvia has been waving for about a month. Here’s a video Bryan took on Oct. 5 that shows her doing some waving, and I think you can even hear a little “dadada.” All the other noises are Andrew:)