New habit – working out

Oct. 31: Aside from chasing the kids around, I haven’t had a regular work-out routine since I was 8 months pregnant with Andrew. I’ve recently decided, though, that it’s time. After spending well over a month waffling about which gym to join, I signed up with Curves on Monday this week.
So far, so good! I went four times this week, and it worked really well. I get up at 5:50, feed Sylvia, and I’m at Curves by 6:15. It’s a half-hour circuit workout and 10 minutes of stretching. That gets me back home just after 7. For the most part, everyone at home is still asleep or just stirring.
I’ve noticed an increase in my energy levels, and it feels so good to be moving again! My goal will be to go three days a week, but I’m enjoying going every morning so long as I get enough sleep.
Thanks, Melanie, for introducing me to Curves! My wonderful sister-in-law owns a Curves in Texas:)