
In the last month, Bryan and I have been going on lots of dates.  And it’s been lovely!  I highly recommend it to all parents out there:)  We’ve hired my friend Karen’s daughter, Shara to come over once a week or so, and I’m still marveling at how nice it is to take a few hours off to chat with my husband and to spend some time in each other’s quiet company.

The first night we went out – not to do anything in particular but just to be out together – I kept having the thought, “This is amazing!  You can PAY someone to feed your child dinner and put them to bed!”  We’re really lucky to have family in town, and Michael and Lisa are awesome baby sitters.   I feel most comfortable asking for their help with longer evenings (like our outing to American Players Theater last week).   It’s so nice to have options!

So Shara has come over a couple week night and a couple Sunday afternoons.  Bryan and I went to Mickey’s Tavern on Willy Street.  For those of you in Madison, I recommend it!  It’s run by the same woman who owns Lazy Jane’s, and the food was good!  They’ve got a nice outdoor eating area, and the inside is cozy with an eclectic mix of tables, couches, kitschy decorations, and pool tables.  A cozy, bright, and clean place.  I think we’ll be going back!

A few weeks ago we went to Tenney Park and ate Shrimp ‘po boys on the pier while the sun set.  I love the idea of spending regular downtime with my sweetie.

Almost our 10th anniversary!

My brain is full of posts to write!

Greetings!  It feels like it’s been weeks since I’ve posted this and that about the happenings in the Dotzour household.  That means that I have the ideas for about eight posts rambling around in my head.  I’ve got to find time to write them down so I can quiet the reminders in my brain,

Brain: “Have you posted yet about Sylvie’s new-found love of books?
Me: “No, Brain, I haven’t.  We’ve had company, and I haven’t been on the computer much.”
Brain: “Have you put up the pictures or written an update about your great visit with Grace and Tim and John?”
Me: “Brain, please be quiet.  I’ve been editing photos from the photo sessions I did in the last couple weeks, and that is definitely a higher priority.”
Brain: “Are you sure?  Humph, well, in that case, have you at least written down all the many posts that you want to do eventually so you don’t forget?”
Me: “Good idea, Brain.  I’ll do it!”

I just finished editing some lovely pictures from a photo session last week.  Take a look!

IMG_0315 black and white

Continue reading “My brain is full of posts to write!”

Just us

After spending a lovely five days together, Grace and Tim and John all headed home today.  So now we don’t have friends or family visiting us anymore.

This is how we feel.


Lovely times off-line

Hi Computer!  It seems like a week since you and I sat together.  Instead, I’ve been playing with Bryan’s family or enjoying some time out of the house while Bryan’s mom watched my kids.  We celebrated Andew’s birthday last Monday, played for a week with Granny and Melanie, then welcomed Grandad and had Andrew’s birthday party at Tenney Park on Saturday.  It was all just a lot of fun!

Oh, a new favorite picture of my boy!

Yesterday was my birthday, and I enjoyed a few delicious meals out (the breakfast sandwiches at Daisy Cafe and Cupcakery are delicious).  I got to spend the morning yesterday with my dear sister, Melanie, and then I spent the afternoon shopping solo. SO LO.  Loved it.

Continue reading “Lovely times off-line”

Anniversary night out!

Bryan’s mom is here in town this week, and last night she watched Andrew and Sylvia while Bryan and I went on a date to celebrate our 10th anniversary.  It wasn’t just a dinner date…it was an all-night-away-from-home date!  We dined at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, and oh, my, gosh, it was good.

Every part of the meal was good.  I could go on in detail about the scallops appetizer, my fillet with shrimp that was oh, so magnificent, the pecan crusted sweet potatoes and creamed spinach sides, mmmmm, and berries and cream (which was just like sweetened condensed milk) for dessert.  Oh my.  So good.  Bryan had the ribeye steak and the bread pudding dessert, and he was equally enthusiastic.

After a leisurely, three-hour meal (eating slowly was such a treat!), we headed to the Mansion Hill Inn, which is where we stayed the night of our wedding 10-years ago.  ahh memories.

What a lovely way to celebrate 10 years of marriage!  Through dinner, we reminised about our honeymoon in Switzerland, the last 10 years, our amazing children, and how much our relationship has grown and deepened because of pregnancy, birth, and child-rearing.

We also did some dreaming about what kinds of things we want to do in the next 10 years.  We’re hoping for some family driving vacations, so stay tuned in upcoming summers for new chapters of The Dotzour take the US.  Chapter one, the Badlands.

I recommend (if at all possible) taking an evening away from the kids and the house.  It felt good to spend some time with just my sweetheart.  It was a good reminder of how much we enjoy spending time together!

Comic reflecting life

This For Better or For Worse comic strip made me laugh.  Sylvia hasn’t learned “no” yet, but she does a lot of screeching when she in the mood.

Thinking back on Three — A letter to Andrew

I often have bittersweet feelings as you and Syliva have birthdays.  How can Sylvia be 16 months old?  How is it that you my sweet boy are only going to be three for fifteen more minutes?  (It’s almost midnight as I write.)

I loved Three.  Andrew, you were such a sweet and generous and imaginative and snugly Three.  My dear boy, here are a few things I’ll remember from this year.  You can read this list sometime when you’re older.

  • Long games of animals. Hibernating together, hunting together, learning to fly, hatching, turning into butterflies, finding berries.  Andrew, you have an amazing imagination, and I’ve so enjoyed spending long hours exploring the worlds you create.
  • Number and letter explosions. The second half of this year, Andrew, you just fell in love with writing.  You’re so inquisitive and meticulous, and you have an unbelievable attention span.  Longer than mine!  I loved watching you copy the names of animals or spices or people onto the chalk board.  It’s fun to watch you grow and eagerly learn.  When you learn how to read, you are going to love it!
  • Trike-ing, skipping, sledding, and splashing to preschool. Andrew, you so enjoyed going to Monona Grove Nursery School.  You felt right at home there, and you adored your teachers (the feeling was mutual).  It’s a wonderful feeling to see your child in an environment where they can really play and learn and grow all on their own.  What a lovely introduction to school.  You conduct yourself in ways that really make me feel proud of you.
  • Climbing, running, swinging. We spent a lot of time outdoors this past year.  I’ve loved being home with you and Sylvia full-time.  When the weather is fair (and sometimes even when it’s not), we spend much of the day out-of-doors.  Andrew, you have become such a tree-climber in the last year.  I really enjoy watching how confident you are in your body-awareness, and I’m impressed with your strength and agility.  You’re brave.  And you’re smart too, which makes me trust you.  I wonder what physical feats the next year will hold!
  • Making your sister laugh. In the last year, you and Sylvia have developed and ever-deepening relationship.  I think my favorite sound in the whole wide world is the sound of you and your sister giggling together.  Sylvie delights in you, Andrew.  For her, you are the center of all that is fun.  The way you look out for her and are concerned about her welfare is amazing.  Sure, you sometimes knock her over, but more often than that, you bring her something to make her happy.  I’m so grateful for the kind and generous person you are, my sweet boy.

I’m sure there are dozens of other points I could put in this list, but my clock now says 12:02.  You’re Four!  And Andrew, the thing I hold dearest is the completeness of the bond you and I share.  We’re connected, Andrew.  You curl up in my lap or climb in bed in the morning.  I love the smell of you.  I love to nuzzle your curls and hold your little (but not so little) hand in mine.  I love the way you reach for me, the way you want to be carried when you’re sleepy.  When you get hurt, you want me to make it better.  You bring me flowers (oh, and worms too) with such joy.

I know you’re going to grow up, and I’m so excited to see what you do and to experience four, five, six and on and on.  But it does break my heart just a little to see my baby boy leave his babyhood behind.  We’re leaving sweet memories in our wake, and I’m glad for that.  I just want to bottle the size of you, the smell of you, the innocence and playfulness and sweetness of you.

If I live to be 90, I’ll want to pull out that bottle of three-year-old Andrew so I can recapture one of the purest experiences in my life — being your mommy.

OK, now I’ll dry my tears and go to bed so tomorrow morning I can celebrate with you.  Baby, you’re Four!

Andrew’s 4th birthday!

Andrew’s fourth birthday is on Monday.  He’s so excited.  It took him almost an hour to fall asleep tonight.  I’m not even sure exactly what he’s excited about.  Well, I guess there are a bunch of things.

  • He knows I’m making cupcakes (he requested chocolate with yellow and orange frosting and green and blue sprinkles).  He is probably anticipating licking the frosting off several of them.
  • He’s over the moon with excitement about seeing his Granny Lu when she flies in tomorrow evening.
  • He knows we’re getting together with friends for lunch…following by the afore mentioned cupcakes.
  • He is eagerly anticipating getting M&M’s.  The only time I let him get candy in the checkout lane is on his birthday.  All the rest of the year he has to look at the candy and think about what he is going to get when it is his birthday.  Ohhh, those are going to be some goooood M&M’s!
  • I don’t think he knows that a person gets presents on their birthday, but that’ll be a fun surprise for him!

June 19

Last Friday, Bryan and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary.  That seems like a big number to me.  Mature adults…one might even say old adults…have been married for 10 years.  Old people with like two kids.  And a mortgage.  hmmm

Since we were driving to Carleton and staying in a dorm with our kids on our anniversary, we’re celebrating next week.  Bryan’s mom flies into town on Monday night, and on Tuesday evening, she’s taking the kids so we can get away.  Now I have to decide where we should eat out that night.  Anyone have recommendations?

I love being married to Bryan.  It’s one of the things in my life that makes me happy each day.  I sure am lucky to get to spend my days with such a great person and wonderful friend.  Happy Anniversary, honey!

10-year college reunion

We’re back home again after a fun trip to Northfield for my 10-year Carleton College reunion.  We stayed in Evans dorm, which was an experience in itself.  The kids did pretty well.  The weather was warm –> hot and quite humid.  I think Andrew’s favorite part of the weekend was rolling down the hill to Bell Field.  Over and over and over and over.

On the way home, we stopped to play at a park in LaCrosse, and both kids had a great time splashing in the Mississippi River.  Andrew sat down in it, and Sylvia was laughing hystarically as the boats zoomed past and made big splashing waves.

When we got home, the kids were wonderfully excited to play with their toys and their books.  It’s like they had to make up for lost time.  Hard to believe that it’s been 10 years since I graduated from Carleton.  I do love Northfield.  It was such a lovely place to live.