First lost teeth

When he was about 7 months, old, Andrew’s first two teeth came in…his bottom two.  Here’s a picture of him in January 2006.  There were some sleepless nights associated with the arrival of those teeth (see a January 31, 2006 post here).

Can you see his bottom teeth?

By March 2006, those two bottom teeth were all grown in.  Oh, what a cute baby he was!

Showing off his two bottom teeth And on July 5, 2011, one of those first teeth was ready to come out.  Here’s a picture of the wiggler and of the adult tooth coming in behind.


Last picture of Andrew with all those hard-earned baby teeth.  After this, he and I went to the bathroom, and at his request, I pulled that baby tooth out.  He was so excited.  You can see it in his eyes!


Here’s my newly minted “lost my first tooth” six year old.



And there’s the gap…



Here’s Sylvia demonstrating her teeth as well.  The next morning, when Andrew was about to discover a couple quarters in his lovely granny-made stegosaurus tooth pillow, Sylvia fell off the sofa.  Her top left tooth was knocked a little loose and now it’s turned a shade of grey.  We’ll see if it lightens up again.  I’m just hoping that it doesn’t need to come out!


Alivia recently lost her first top tooth.  So we’ve got two gap-toothed smiles in the yard these days.



What cute kids these guys are!

Since I’m a month late in posting this tooth update, we’ve had a new tooth development.  Andrew’s other bottom tooth loosened.  Here’s his last picture with that bottom right tooth.  You can see that his first adult tooth has really grown in…


Again, he and I headed into the bathroom, and I gave it a tug.  Now, as of August 8, he’s lost two teeth.  What a big boy!


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