May trip to Wichita – Part IV: Visiting with Julie, Jerry & crew

On Saturday evening of our visit in Wichita, we visited with our good friends, Julie and Jerry Anderson.  Julie and Bryan were good friends and neighbors as kids.  Her husband Jerry is a great guy, and they have two little ones – Grayson (6) and Carter (2).  On this visit, Julie’s parents, Janie and Van Buchanan, joined us too.  It was a lot of fun to see friends!

Here’s the whole gang with a little balance-the-camera-on-the-truck trick.


When we visited last year (see post here), Julie and Jerry were just about to put their house up for sale.  So it was great to see their new beautiful home!


Before supper, the boys all hung out in the living room.


The boys getting ice cream.  Grayson’s a big Jay Hawk fan.  Takes after his parents, uncles, and grandparents I think.


This little Carter dude was so adorable. I couldn’t stop taking pictures!


After dinner, we headed out to the driveway where the kids all played with bikes and balls and chalk and the hours sped by.

Love this new picture of Sylvia skipping along in the sunshine.


One kid pushing, one kid riding.


Wait, what?!  Two kids riding.


Grayson’s quite a biking force.  This kid’s got good physical acumen.


There’s Carter with his Grandma.  So nice that they get to spend so much time together:)


Andrew and Carter played some t-ball.  I think we can consider the evening a rousing success since neither of them walloped the other in the head with a ball or bat.  There were a few close-calls!


Sir Carter-of-the-adorable-eyes.


The boys played with the soccer ball for a while.  Grayson’s a skilled boy, and he shows a lot of focus and drive to play.


Another one of Janie and Carter.  Too cute!


There’s Julie with Carter and Jerry in the background.


Look at that beautiful boy:)


After dinner, Sylvia made a bee-line for the costumes <aside: warning – if we come to your home, Sylvie will find your costumes.  even if you thought they were just your clothes.>

Sylv and Grayson took a break from coloring for a sweet pic.


Noting that the four kids were in the same location for the first (and only) time during the evening, I ran over to get an Anderson/Dotzour kids photo.


So glad that it worked that we were able to all be together.  Whenever Bryan and I get to spend time with Julie and Jerry, we always find ourselves wishing we had more opportunities to play and hang out together.  Oh well, we’ll take what we can get!  Thanks again, guys:)