Self portraits

Over the weekend, I decided to try out some self-portraits.  I had a few minutes while the kids were occupied, and I’d been meaning to take self-portraits as it was a suggested assignment in one of the photography books I’ve been reading.

I propped my camera (no time to pull out the tripod…the kids would be out any minute), put it on auto-timer, and tried to figure out how to focus it.


After guessing at the focus point and failing several times, I moved the kids’ rocking horse to the spot where I would be.  Then after pressing she shutter, I hopped into position, shoved the rocking horse out of the way, and smiled.


It worked alright!  I think it would be fun to try a variety of self-portraits over the next year to see what I can do:)


5 Replies to “Self portraits”

  1. Do's been taking a photo class here at the community college and has done some really nice portraits of him self and other friends recently. I've been hesitant to pose…

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