Tappin’ girl

Last week, Sylvia had her last YMCA ballet class.

02-21-11_007 They invited parents into the studio for the last class, and it was such fun to watch them dance around.  My daughter, my exuberant daughter, is at a point where she often doesn’t like it when other people look at her.  Her birthday was a bit tumultuous this year because of all the attention.  I think she likes the spotlight on her terms.

So when she saw that other people’s parents would be watching, she curled up by my back and stayed there for most of class.  Celia arrived a little late for class, and Sylvia almost frolicked out to join her friend.  But a rubber-band like energy snapped her back to her hiding place.  Her class is a half hour long, and when there were 10 minutes left, I stood up and joined the girls on the floor.  Within a few minutes, Sylvia was hesitantly skipping with her friends, and then she joined the group for the last five minutes.  They’re all so cute!  I would have loved to get more pictures, but I didn’t want to break the spell for my suddenly-shy dancer.

Celia, on the other hand, was just sparkling with delight that her mom and brother were there.  I’ve rarely seen such a sprightly little dancer.

We weren’t able to find a Monday ballet class for the next session, but Jessica found a pre-tap class on Mondays at the West YMCA.  So the morning after I returned from Jamaica, I picked up some tap shoes for my dancer and we headed over to the Y for her first class.  It’s so cute!  I’ll have to get pictures of the tappin’ girls soon.  Sylvia seems to love these classes, and they sure do bring a smile to my face.  Yay for girls!

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