Sylvia Dotzour turns Three!

Hidey ho there, neighbors!

My little girl woke up this morning, a freshly minted Three.  Remarkable!

She’s spending the day at Donna’s (daycare) where they had a cake and balloons.  When we arrived (a little late today as there was some extra morning activities around here), all the kids were hiding and jumped out to yell, “Surprise!”  Ahh, birthdays are fun.

Andrew has been so sweet and loving toward her.  I personally recall some March 19ths in years past when I was, oh, shall we say a little jealous, of all the attention that Michael Jacob Babler was receiving.  Not so for Mr. Andrew.  That makes it extra-nice.

I’m home sans kids today, working on a photo class I’ll be leading, wedding contracts for this summer, and a beautiful photo order.  With a kitty by my side, I’m having a great day too.

Then I remembered that I needed to make a cake.  Sylvia suggested a yellow cake with purple frosting.  I made my mom’s buttermilk cake for the SuperBowl party last weekend (“Go Pack!”), so I wanted to try something new.  For those of you who don’t know me, I have issues repeating the same recipe.

Deb Perelman from The Smitten Kitchen is one of my favorite food writer/photographers, and she specializes in cakes.  So when I saw that she had a “Best Birthday Cake” recipe, I had to try it.  Funny thing, it’s almost identical to my mom’s buttermilk cake.  We’ll see how it turns out.

I enjoyed whipping it up solo.  Not having kids around:

a) made the job faster

b) made the job feel more luxurous


c) meant that I got to lick the beater, spoon, and bowl all myself.

No lunch necessary today.

I’m looking forward to frosting it!

Here’s a little video I made of Sylv trying on her new birthday shoes.  A few weeks ago she told me she wanted purple shoes for her birthday.  I was curious what she was thinking, so we shopped on Zappos together.  It was a bonding experience.  I sent the link of her favorite pair to Granny, and she went ahead and got them for her.  Good thing too as about the first thing out of Sylvia’s mouth this morning was, “Where are my birthday shoes?”


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