
On our last day of winter vacation (Sunday the 2nd), Bryan and I took the kids swimming at Swim West.  We’ve been cooped up inside because of first wet and then cold weather, so the kids haven’t had a lot of large motor exercise but have still been eating all the Christmas and New Year’s cookies as well as Lisa’s delicious birthday cake.  It was soooo great to get to spend some time in a warm pool.  The kids swam for a couple hours, we went to Culver’s for a special treat lunch, and then they both fell asleep.

For those of you in Madison, I recommend Swim West’s open swim.  I took Andrew and Sylvia last spring every Friday from 9-12 – it was only $5 for the three of us.  It’s the time of year when getting into a warm pool can make us feel like warmth and summer will one day return.  A good reminder as we head into the long winter months!
