Andrew’s Kindergarten Schedule

My little boy is off on his second week of Kindergarten.  Hard to believe!  He’s really loving it.

Andrew’s young heart thrives on calendars and schedules and charts.  He starts each day looking at the calendar and figuring out what day it is and how many days until some event in the future.  Now that we have the school’s hot lunch schedule hanging on the refrigerator, we have a new topic to consider: hot or cold lunch today?  [I could re-phrase that as processed, trans-fat-laden, sugar-filled hot lunch vs. organic, locally produced, nutrient-rich homemade lunch, but I won’t.  That’s a topic for a different post.]

Andrew brought home some info on Friday describing the different classes that they have each day.  I’d also received a handout describing the kindergarten class schedule.  So Saturday morning, I took a few minutes and typed up a weekly schedule for my boy.  So on any given morning he can look and see what special classes he has scheduled that day.  And at any time of the day, I can glance at the schedule to see what he’s up to.

Here’s a version in PDF if you’d like a copy for yourself!  This week he has four days of school, and next week, we’ll be up to five.  So far, so good:)

9 Replies to “Andrew’s Kindergarten Schedule”

  1. Hi Linda, glad you found the cupcakes. So glad MGNS has you as a teacher! Roxie – I agree about recess! Unfortunately, the morning recess is apparently going away after a bit. I think they give them two recesses for the first half of kindergarten. I got two until middle school! viva la recess!

  2. Hi Linda, glad you found the cupcakes. So glad MGNS has you as a teacher! Roxie – I agree about recess! Unfortunately, the morning recess is apparently going away after a bit. I think they give them two recesses for the first half of kindergarten. I got two until middle school! viva la recess!

  3. Yeah, Sarah, doesn't it remind you of the college schedules that we spent so much time creating!

  4. I still have some beautiful vintage ones. I made one once for grad school, but it wasn't the same without you. Or useful, since every day was different.

  5. How sad is it that my high schooler prefers a hot lunch from the High School than a home made lunch? Last year, he asked me why I couldn't cook as well as they did? But then, this is the same kid that eats me out of house and home!I'm glad he is loving kindergarten & is thriving! I missed seeing him at school this week! I found the cupcakes this afternoon after my PM class – thank you for the sweet treat!

  6. What a nice schedule they have! I don't think our kindergartners get recess anymore! In our state there are now strict requirements for time on each subject and it just about takes out any slack time. It is such a shame. Kids that age need free time to run around and play!

  7. lack of recess is one reason "we" encourage teachers to bring their students outside as part of their lessons. why can't they read in a circle under a tree? or go outside with clipboards and practice their fine motor writing skills? or count the number of birds they see? reading and math don't have to be done indoors!

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