Registering for school and getting back to the dentist

On August 19, we registered Andrew for kindergarten.  He was pretty stoked!

Here we are just outside his school taking a group shot before heading in.

My big guy requesting his folder of information for KG!

Registration was mostly me filling out forms and turning them in while the kids colored and watched a movie.  But afterward, we wandered the halls to find his classroom.  Here he is outside Maestra Laura Gibson’s classroom, #104.

The next week, my big guy went to the dentist.  Our insurance changed a year ago, and we never got around to finding new dentists.  So after Bryan switched jobs in June, we made appointments.  Andrew was soooo excited.  Every day he would look at the calendar and say, “Three days until I get to go to the dentist!!!”  Ahh, if only we all had the same enthusiasm and joie de vivre:)

Here he is in the dentist chair.

And here he’s all ready for his cleaning.

Sylvia tries on the fancy dentist-patient sunglasses.  She get’s her first appointment in February!

Assorted pictures: Andrew and his stacking game (“Mom!  Take a picture of me!”)

And a hot air balloon that Sylvia and I spied while we were out running errands together the other night.  She was so very intrigued by this sight!

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