Father’s Day (March edition)

So Father’s Day isn’t actually scheduled until mid-June, but last Sunday we took an outing to the park, and my girl and her dad were certainly having a glorious time together:)



IMG_5560I just love this next picture.  Oh, the cuteness!

IMG_5565One of the piers was pulled up on the shore, and Sylvia was racing down it and leaping into Byran’s arms.  I didn’t get a shot of it, but she would just go flying off the end.  That girl trusts her papa to catch her!  And she’s got a lot of jumping energy!



Bryan, you’re going to need to post some of those images over on your Facebook page:)

2 Replies to “Father’s Day (March edition)”

  1. Oh my goodness!! Those a great pictures!! I'm going to have to get a couple of those printed!! Bryan, that beard is really filling in!! Looks good.

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