Zombies, Easter eggs, and Sylvia cuteness

Today, Bryan had a chess tournament in Pewaukee.  Uncle Bubba and Aunt Lisa came over to watch the kids while I went to a meeting, and then we all hung out together for a few hours.

IMG_5463 We don’t often just spent most of the day with Michael and Lisa, and it was a lot of fun.


Andrew’s favorite part of the day may have been helping Michael play Plants vs. Zombies on the computer.

Or maybe his favorite part was probably dying Easter eggs.  We had a dance party in the living room while we waited for the eggs to be ready to take out of the cups.


I love the pretty, rich colors of Easter eggs!


Sylvia has had a really good couple of days.  She’s still in her crib as we contemplate whether/when to move her to a bed.  She’s been doing really well at potty training.  She’s been using the toilet off an on since last fall, but in the last few weeks, she’s been doing a great job of telling me when she needs to go.  That’s a big step!

This week, she’s been wearing pull-ups all day, and for the most part, she’s stayed dry.  Yay for Sylvia!

Oh, and today, she also started saying some really heart breakingly sweet things.  Like as I cough, “Bess you, Mommy.”  And while we were driving today, she said…out of the blue, “I love you, Mommy.”  We were on a neighborhood street, so I stopped the car in the middle of the road so I could turn around to thank her for that.  I believe that’s the first time she’s offered that sentiment with no encouragement.  Such dearness:)

Hope your Saturday was a good one!

7 Replies to “Zombies, Easter eggs, and Sylvia cuteness”

  1. That little girl is a sweetie!! Pretty eggs…glad you had a fun day. Tell Sylvia and Andrew their Granny loves them!! And tell yourself, too!!

  2. grace: I have a bit of a hard time imagining your mom playing Plants bs Zombies. On the other hand, I kind of wanted to take a turn myself…Granny: the kids have been missing you! They have been drawing you pictures and they get happy and excited whenever we talk about you.

  3. grace: I have a bit of a hard time imagining your mom playing Plants bs Zombies. On the other hand, I kind of wanted to take a turn myself…Granny: the kids have been missing you! They have been drawing you pictures and they get happy and excited whenever we talk about you.

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