Successful Chicago visit

I feel like our little family of four has achieved a new level on this video game we call life.  As we were driving home from Chicago today with two content children in the back seat, I felt like there could be a sign flashing on our windshield saying,

Congratulations!  At least for today, you have entered phase B15.  Vacations for fun are an option.

We took a day trip to Chicago to celebrate my brothers’ birthdays.  As Bryan and I discussed the trip, I was pretty sure we’d be in a mode where we would be attempting to have fun amidst two kids who were not doing well.  I didn’t figure Sylvia would handle the car trip well (two hours each way).  I didn’t figure she’d do that well at brunch at the Four Seasons.  And then I wasn’t sure how she’d handle the Field Museum when it was nap time.

In fact, because she’s been less than a stellar traveler in the past, we haven’t done may driving trips with her.  Two and a half hours of screaming on a couple trips early on kinda did me in.  The girl doesn’t stop when she’s made up her mind.  And she doesn’t sleep in the car!

But…I was wrong.  Happily, delightedly wrong.

Both kids did a splendid job on the drive down to Chicago.  They both did really well (especially thanks to the help of Tom, Terry, and Uncle Bubba) at brunch.  Then they both loved the visit to the Field Museum.  Sylvia almost fell asleep on Bryan part way through, but she was bound and determined to keep those eyes open.

And on our drive home, Bryan and I looked at each other with wonderment, contemplating a future that might involve more day trips to Chicago (Brookfield Zoo, the Aquarium, Navy Pier, walking on the waterfront) or Door County or just farther than across town.  Maybe driving farther than across town is a prerequisite, because last week, she threw fits as we drove across town on three separate occasions.  I think she liked the adventure of Chicago.

Now that my girl is well into being Two, I’m starting to get more glimpses of what like with two kids (as opposed to one kids and one baby) might be like.  Amazing!

5 Replies to “Successful Chicago visit”

  1. I wish we could go with you guys to Chicago every so often and visit the Aquarium and the Zoo together…. I would love to do that!
    Lots of love from me

  2. I know it's touristy and kind of terrifying, but there might even be things at the DELLS that the kids will enjoy in upcoming years. Perhaps the Ducks, perhaps Mt. Olympus with it's huge Trojan horse and other monumental-size​d things!

  3. We’re off to the Windy City for a few days over spring break, and Shara has decided she wants to attempt the El on her own (!!) as preparation for living in NYC.  She’s such a planner…

  4. I know it's touristy and kind of terrifying, but there might even be things at the DELLS that the kids will enjoy in upcoming years. Perhaps the Ducks, perhaps Mt. Olympus with it's huge Trojan horse and other monumental-sized things!

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