Playtime with friends

We’ve been seeing a lot more of our neighbors Alivia and Rayna these days (I wrote about some of their cute games in a recent post).  The little girls had a rough patch where they weren’t tolerating each other very well, but then, suddenly, all the concerns about what was, “MINE!” seemed to evaporate, and they’re fast friends.  In fact, the other day, when Sylvia saw Rayna walking down her driveway (three houses down), she leapt off her trike, raised her arms above her head in an elaborately excited gesture, and raced down the street toward her…shrieking in glee.  It’s been so lovely having all four kids playing happily and easily together!

Here’s a few photos of them several weeks ago when we needed coats and hats:

IMG_4562Girls running!

IMG_4579Alivia thoughtfully working.

IMG_3959It’s so fun to watch how they play together:)

IMG_3970One of our last snowy pictures from early March.  The kids were digging a hole.  In their minds, it was a really big hole.


Seeing more of our neighbors again has been one of the really nice parts about the coming of spring!
